Kiska Island
Territory of the Commonwealth of Adminum



Kiska Island is split up into 9 commonwealth districts, one federal district, and one settlement of the Order of York:

  • District I: Pelham
  • District II: Forum (Federal District)
  • District III: Bristol
  • District IV: Travadore
  • District V: Dekalb
  • District VI: Willoughby Hills
  • District VII: Newdenmark & Point Cheude
  • District VIII: Ludlow
  • District IX: Pine Valley
  • District X: Point Wake

The settlement of the Order of York is located on Brooklyn Island, off the eastern coast of Forum and Pelham. Neither the Federal Government nor the Colonial Government have jurisdiction over the island.



There are seven spaceports located on the island, making Kiska Island the territory with the most spaceports per acre in the entire Alecoundran system.

  • Federal Spaceports:
  1. Fort Willoughby (Area 5) - Located near Mt. Musk, on a ridge. Used for testing experimental aircraft and technologies
  2. McConnon Interplanetary Force Base (Area 6) - Southern tip of the district of Pelham
  3. Yuri Gagarin Launch Silo - Located in the Federal Hills of Forum, launch site for diplomatic missions and vertical federal aircraft
  • Transport Spaceports
  1. Forum Interplanetary (FIP)
  2. Newdenmark Aerodrome (NAX)
  3. Ludlow-Willoughby Interplanetary (LWI)
  • Civic Spaceports
  1. Yonkers (Pine Valley) Aerofield (YPV)
  2. Dekalb Aerofield (DKB)