User:Void if removed/sandbox/Catgate transcript

How dare you. You’ve just really upset someone. Saying things like, you should be in an asylum.

I didn’t say that.

I didn’t say that.

I said if they genuinely identify as a cat or something then they are like genuinely unwell.

Yeah they are crazy.

You’re questioning their identity.

I wasn’t questioning […] I was just saying about the genders, I never said anything about them.

Where’d you get this idea from that there’s only two genders?

I just (giving) my opinion

If I’ve got to respect their opinion why can’t they respect my opinion?

It is not an opinion

Yes it is

It is not an opinion you can have

Loads of people think there’s only two genders

There’s only a boy and a girl

There’s no other private parts

Gender is not linked to do with the… gender is not linked to the parts that you were born with. Gender is about how you identify, which is what I said right from the very beginning of the lesson.

Well I just don’t agree with that

Why should I have to listen to it when I don’t agree with that

Biological sex, there is actually three biological sexes because you can be born intersex, you can be born with male, and female, body parts or hormones, did you know that?

Yeah that’s three, not three hundred

Doesn’t mean

There’s three, biological sex, in terms of gender, there are lots of genders. There is transgender, there is agender, people that don’t believe they don’t have a gender at all

Yeah but you can’t have that

(What do you mean) you can’t have that, its not a law

Yeah its not a law, its our opinion, we just don’t agree with it

We think its all just

If you have a vagina you’re a girl, if you have a penis you’re a boy


But cisgender is not necessarily the way to be, if you are talking about the fact that, cisgender is the, the norm, that you identify with the gender that, of the sexual organs you’re born with, or you’re weird, that’s basically what you’re saying



Which is really despicable


If I called my mum right now, my mum would say, (garbled) she’d say

Well that’s very sad as well then

How is it?

Loads of people agree with it, there’s only a small, majority (sic) of people that think that

Why do you think we have so many problems in the world, with homophobia

Yeah but

Yeah but that’s not homophobia, that’s gender

Yes it is

I’m fine with lesbians and gay people, I’ve got nothing against them


But gender is, there is a link between it, you’re saying


You’re saying people can’t change who they want to be

They can’t

They can’t

Unless they get a penis attached

You’re so wrong

No I’m not

You’re confusing sex and gender

No I’m not though

Yes you are

Cos if you have a vagina you’re a girl and if you have a penis you’re a boy


You can’t be, you can’t have a vagina and be a dad

Unless you get surgery

Even then you’ve got those genes

It’s about how you identity, how you identify

Well I just don’t agree with it

Well that’s just not an opinion

Yes it is

You can express in this school, no its not, and if you don’t like it you need to go to a different school

I did go to a different school

I’m reporting (_____) you need to have a proper educational conversation about edu… about equality, diversity and inclusion, because I’m not having that expressed in my lesson, when I’m teaching you about, you can be who you want to be,

Everyone else thinks that

How you identify is up to you

Everyone else thinks it, they just don’t say it, because then all this happens

Maybe because they’re polite and maybe they’re sensitive

I’d never, I haven’t said anything, all of the lessons that I’ve been here, its just because they turned around and started saying something, so I said how can you identify as a cat, when you’re a girl


Well they’re now writing a statement, I would imagine


You’ll be able (asked?) to write a statement to

We will

Yeah we will