Article Evaluation


I decided to look into the Wikipedia page for Cool Japan. The first thing I noticed was how short the page was, and that it was lacking a lot of substance. All of the information that was provided seems to be valid information, and the links match up. However, I feel like there needs to be a lot more of a backstory as to why "Cool Japan" came into existence. Why did the Japanese government adopt it? Why did they feel it was necessary to change their national identity? These are all topics that I feel should and need to be mentioned. The "talk" page is rather bare as well, as it seems like only a few people have contributed any sort of conversation. One thing that I did appreciate was at the top of the "talk" page, it states that it is part of the "Japan WikiProject" to get more Japanese related information on Wikipedia. I think that is awesome, and I hope it encourages more people to contribute to the pages.