Vito Domenico Liuzzi

Italian Doublebassist Soloist - Professor of Doublebass in "G.Paisiello" Italian Conservatory of Music - Doctor pf Law - Journalist

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Curriculum in ItalianoVITO DOMENICO LIUZZI Graduated in Jurisprudence with the maximum of the ballots and Praise discussing a thesis experiences them in Constitutional Right from the title it "Interpretation and Alternative Use of the Right", Given a degree to with the maximum of the ballots in Doublebass under the guide of the M.° Michele Cellaro, is enrolled to the Order of the Lawyers and to the Order of Journalists (Rome). One has perfected in doublebass attending for four consecutive years the " International Course of High Musical Improvement" to Norcia (PG). It has moreover studied with Thomas Martin, Yoan Goilav and Giampaolo Simoncini (Orchestra of the Saint Academy Cecilia of Rome). Turned out is winning, in the Soloist category, most numerous national musical competitions, between which relief assumes the First Absolute Prize of the entire competition and special mention of the President of the Italian Republic to the National Competition "Young Promises". First absolute prize and scholarship of 2000 pounds, concerts and varied book reviews on musical reviews to the INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR ARCH of "YAMAHA FOUNDATION of ENGLAND". In Cremona he has participated to the Third edition of the International Competition " G. Bottesini " for Doublebass players. He carries out solist activity playing on a Romeo Orsi doublebass of 1890 with particular reference to the compositions of Bottesini, Dragonetti, Rota, Henze, Zbinden, Koussevitzky, Gliere, Mortari, Eccles, Dittersdorf and Vanhal. He is member of the quartet of doublebasses "BASS SONORITY" and from years collaborates with ORCHESTRA FILARMONICA of Barium THEATRE PETRUZZELLI, with which also it has covered the role of first doublebass. First doublebass of the Orchestra of the Collegium Musicum Apuliae with which it is exhibited also as solist, it has been first doublebass of the directed Mediterranean Orchestra from Paolo Lepore. For years it has collaborated with the Sinfonica Orchestra of the Barium Province and has carried out tourneé in Italy and to the foreign country as member of variegate formations of chamber music. First doublebass of the Orchestra Sinfonica "G.Paisiello" of the Province of Taranto and collaborates like first doublebass in the Juvenile Orchestra of the Puglia Region. It has recorded for the SONY CORPORATION, BMG RICORDI, RAI Corporation and other record houses of national level. Teaching to the Course of Improvement in Doublebass in collaboration with the Ministry of the Culture of Korea. He is the Chair of Doublebass class in the National University of Music "G.Paisiello" - Taranto, Institution of High Culture. It writes book reviews and articles of musical critic on specialistic reviews of the field. It collaborates, finally, with a Legal Study in the within of which it supplies opinions and advisings lawyers in civilistic, straight field of the job, industrial accident research and administrative right.

Creator and administrator of the site Contrabbasso Italiano,the main Forum of the Italian bass players, Classical or jazz doublebass musicians.