Village Baka: Origin of a Name


Village Baka is a screen name and alias used in many online communities by C.J. Jaeger (that's me). The name originated when used as a joke name on a message board; the word "Baka" is a general Japanese term meaning "fool" or "idiot". Therefore, the name turned out to be "Village Idiot". After that, the name just stuck; I used it in various placed like chatrooms, message boards, email accounts, gaming accounts, and other places. I'm pretty happy with it, as it is quite unique and extremely unlikely to be taken by another user. If you find someone named "Village Baka" or any variants thereof (Such as Village_Baka) it is more likely than not me.

There has yet to be a place where the name Village Baka has already been taken.

Interests on Wikipedia


I'd say that my experience with Wikipedia is moderate; I know how to effectively edit and create articles, upload files, and use them on pages. I'm still working on some of the more arcane functions of the site, but I'm steadily making progress.

My main concerns about Wikipedia include checking information for accuracy and removing false imformation and speculation-as-fact whenever possible. Most of the time, you will see me prowling specific sections (Most prominently, the Metal Gear-related pages) which I have a firm knowledge of.

Another of my focuses is adding images whenever possible. To me, they are a great help and serve to visualize objects and information that would otherwise be left to the imagination of the reader. Not exactly an encyclopedia's job.

Interests elsewhere


I suppose I could add that I enjoy videogames, think music and movies are "meh", and despise Television. I'm not sure what it is, but staring at a screen while actually doing something is much more appealing than staring at a screen... and doing nothing besides that.