
Amy Marcy Cheney Beach as shown in the photo.
A drawing of the tripartite order of the Middle Ages; the Orators, the Bellatores and the Laboratories[1], 13th century France

Hey, I’m Vetrialways (/Vɘtrʌɪəlweɪz/) - an Indian Front-end Web Developer and a contributor to proofreading Wikipedia pages accurately and carefully. I am based in the jam-packed city of Melbourne in Australia which boasts great views, activities, and food since there are so many international cuisines.

Fun Facts


I love admiring art since they can become anything with just your imagination and creativity, including music which I play Violin, the Bagpipes and the Flute! I also am passionate about history and the past because I want to go in-depth and know what we haven’t discovered yet.

Favourite Song and Art


When it comes to music, I like the ‘Classical’ genre since it is calming and beautiful and love old art such as Medieval ones because it’s so unique how they had made such picturesque paintings in the Middle Ages.

  1. Amy Beach: Fire-Flies

This piece by Amy beach, an accomplished musician who was the first woman in the world to have their pieces played by a major orchestra. Fire-Flies is a calm and has highs and lows as the notes struck on the piano goes louder and softer every key.

2. Medieval Art

I love Medieval art and admire, because, it showcases designs that confuses people on the beauty of how it is drawn and how whenever they draw it looks very neat compare to ours in the present 21st century. Its history mezmorises me because of how many wars and crusades occurred in that time being carving big milestones right from the Stone Age; such as agriculture, architecture, technology and development.

A picture of Melbourne I took in Crown Towers, 16th April 2022.
  1. ^ Artist, Unknown. "Cleric, Knight, and Workman Representing the Three Classes". World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2023-09-02.