User:Veganedge/sandbox/International Vegan Edge Day

International Vegan Edge Day is an unofficial holiday associated with members of the Vegan Straight Edge movement. It is celebrated on October 24 and is to be first done so in 2009 in San Diego, CA. The intent of Vegan Edge day is to allow a holiday for Vegan Edge people around the world to gather and celebrate their community with smaller concerts and gatherings in countries worldwide.



The medium of the holiday is the attendance of local shows done by (mainly hardcore) bands who also identify themselves with being Vegan Straight Edge. As National Edge Day entered its 10th year in 2009 as homage to the final Ten Yard Fight concert in Boston, Massachusetts, the Vegan Straight Edge community was preparing to say goodbye to one of its most influential modern bands, Seven Generations, who will be playing their final show on October 24 at the Che Cafe in San Diego, CA.[1] The concert would also feature the bands Time For Change, Run With the Hunted, The Separation, Abandon, Crushed On You, Royal Monsters, Pussy Whipped, and a reunion of the Vegan Edge band, Gather, who played their final show on May 20, 2007 at 924 Gilman St, in Berkeley, CA.[2]

This show marks the end of the Vegan Edge Hardcore movement of the first decade of the 2000's, which included Gather and 7 Generations, but will arguably start a new chapter in Vegan Straight Edge by creating an observable holiday in the community. Every year there will be a local show in California to celebrate the Vegan Edge Day show.

Members of the Vegan Straight Edge movement often use an xVx to symbolize their movement, and selecting October 24 as the date for the holiday is a nod to those two x's; the first being X as the Roman Numeral 10, and October being the 10th month, and X as being the 24th letter in the English alphabet.


  1. ^
  2. ^
  • Seven Generations Final Show at Che Cafe October 24 []
  • National Edge Day [1]
  • Seven Generations Final Show at Ché Café []
  • Che Cafe wiki site [2]
  • Che Cafe Official site []
  • The 924 Gilman St. Project wiki site []
  • The 924 Gilman St. Project Official site []