

The traditional story traces the origin of Puthenangady to the 16th century migration of Christians to Kottayam from places such as Nilackal, Thiruvalla, Athirampuzha, Pallom, Kollam, Chengannur,Thodupuzha and poonathra. It is believed that some of these migrations occurred as a result of the domination of the Portughese rite in the 16th century.This domination forced the Christians into an interpretation of Christianity foreign(unfamiliar)to their forefathers. One of the other reasons cited for this early migration is the destruction of crops by locusts and resultant poverty and the fear of a tribe of dacoits of Tamil origin called “Pandanmar”. The earliest migrants are believed to have settled in the “angadi” or the nucleus of the neighbourhood. It is not surprising that the “ angadi”consists of a street of houses built very close to each other toward off the attacks of the dacoits. The present written history of certain branches of Varikkatt family goes back to more than 9 generations.If one generation is taken as 60 years,these branches are atleast 540 years old at the time of the 2nd publication of the family book in 2005.So the written history of the family would begin atleast in the year 1465.

The village near Thiruvalla called Varikkatt is believed to be the earller settlement of the Varikkatt family, from whence they migrated to Kottayam due to the dacoits mentioned above. The earliest recorded name of our ancestor was Pothen, who migrated from Thlruvalla. He had six sons, Pothen Varikkat, Mathen Kochuveettil, Korah Velllachakalaparambll, Ittyavirah Varikkat, Varkey Arakaparambll, Kurlen Thoompunkal. The earller records had been wrltten by Varkey Oomen, Varkey Phllipose, Valavuchirackal lttyavlrah , but some of the records were lost and so this record is not a complete one. Although there were annual Kudumbayogam meetings, due to some reasons lt was discontinued. A metal seal, whlch ls ln our possession, used by the old Kudumbayogam is proof of the above.

The Kudumbayogam was reluvenated in 1966 at the residence of Korah Mathew, Varikkat Chakkalaparambll, Puthenangady,under the presidentship of C.l. Varkey Chakkalaparambil, coinciding with the consecration of his grace Dr. Phllipose Mar Theophllos.

The Varikkat family ls blessed with another blshop, Hls grace Yuhanon Mar Athanaslus. It ls very rare that there are two bishops from one family at the same tlme.

The Varikkat family had a number of Mulhalpidikkarans shows the prestige of the family because this position only given to very prominent persons. Varikkat family has its share of prominent personalltles ln the clergy, polltlcs, law, medicine, authors educatlonallsts, army officers, merchant navy captains etc. They were also actlve In soclal service and other business activities.

There exlsted a well called ’Varikkat well' situated opposite the present Million & Million Co whlch was used as a publlc watering place ln the old days. Pothen and brothers lived together in a house adjacent to this well. They continued ther business and when it prospered they bought the Puthenpurackal property and built a house fit for their enhanced wealth wlth material from their dismantled 'nelpura’ at Nattakam. Thls house ls the present Varikkatt Tharavad at Puthenangady. The front door of the house whlch ls very elaborate is shown here. The original book was a result of extensive research by V.K. lpe, V.l. Joseph, T.C. Korah, C.P. George etc. The second edition printed in 2005 was compiled mainly by Thomas Elias and Babu Raj.