I am Italian. I have worked in international cooperation since 1977 for the UN, the EU, the World Bank WWF International, the Italian cooperation I have been an EU official for 9 years, I work on climate change and disaster risk reduction. This I have done in Indonesia (EU, UNDP) in Mauritania (German GIZ) in Algeria (EU) in the Comoros islands (EU) in Haiti (EU) My most recent assignment has been to analyse EU climate action in the Mashrek-Maghreb region and to propose the new strategy 2020-2025 on climate action in this region The reason why I have stated that the object of this article is something I am close to, is that climate change is my field of work. Nevertheless, I have no interests, financial or otherwise in publishing this article: I am doing it because I believe this concept should be far more widely known and applied by operators in the field of Climate Change

This user has publicly declared that they have a conflict of interest regarding the Wikipedia article Climate results.