23 1 "The Return" J. Miller Tobin Kevin Williamson & Julie Plec September 9, 2010 (2010-09-09) 3.36[6] Picking up where the first season left off, Elena arrives home to discover Uncle John's and Jeremy's fate. At the hospital, Sheriff Forbes waits to hear if Caroline will survive the car accident. Damon, Bonnie, and Elena agree that Caroline needs some of Damon's blood in her system to make sure she pulls through. Damon is the first to realize that Katherine has returned and is now impersonating Elena. At the Lockwoods' house, Bonnie meets Katherine and a short fight ensues - Stefan breaks it up. Both Stefan and Damon try to find out what Katherine wants, why she's back, and how much of a threat she is to the people they love. Tyler is surprised when his uncle, Mason Lockwood, arrives in town to console him. Katherine tells Damon that she never loved him and that it was always Stefan. Distraught, Damon goes to see Elena. Angry when he discovers that Elena also loves Stefan, Damon attempts to kill Jeremy, who survives because he is wearing John's ring which protects him from death from supernatural forces. Katherine later goes to the hospital to see Caroline, who mistakes her for Elena. Katherine asks Caroline to give the Salvatore brothers a message, before grabbing a pillow and smothering her with it. Before Caroline dies, Katherine delivers her message - "Game on."

24 2 "Brave New World" John Dahl Brian Young September 16, 2010 (2010-09-16) 3.01[7] Newly-turned vampire Caroline awakens in the hospital, craving blood, and begins to realize what she is. Mason quizzes Tyler about his bursts of anger. Elena and Stefan try to lead normal lives, unaware of Caroline's transformation. Jeremy confronts Damon. Tyler catches Mason searching for a family moonstone, which Mason claims he wants for sentimental value. At the carnival, Damon compels Carter (whom Bonnie likes) into picking a fight with Tyler to provoke his rage. Mason intervenes and breaks up the fight with his superhuman jumping ability and strength, suggesting that he is indeed a werewolf. Caroline arrives from the hospital to confront Damon, who realizes that she has been turned. He alerts Elena and Stefan, as a ravenous Caroline attacks and drains Carter. Damon wants to kill Caroline, but Elena and Stefan refuse; Stefan promises Caroline he'll help her. The vampire-hating Bonnie is horrified to learn what has become of Caroline, and what she did to Carter. This causes Bonnie to lash out at Damon and almost kill him. Tyler confronts Mason back at home, but Mason denies anything happened. This leads Tyler to take matters into his own hands and retrieve the moonstone which Mason has been seeking. Matt notices Caroline's erratic behavior, but admits that he loves her.

25 3 "Bad Moon Rising" Patrick Norris Andrew Chambliss September 23, 2010 (2010-09-23) 3.57[8] Elena, Damon, and Alaric head to Isobel's old office at Duke University to do research on Katherine and the Lockwood family secret; they encounter Isobel's research assistant, Vanessa, who helps them locate information on werewolves and their relationship to vampires. Stefan stays behind to help Caroline adjust to life as a vampire, which includes teaching her how to control herself and hunt animals, and having a reluctant Bonnie make her a daylight ring. Meanwhile, Mason's plan to restrain himself during the full moon hits a snag, leading him to roam free as a werewolf, and come into contact with both Stefan and Caroline. Tyler saves them by shouting at the werewolf, causing it to run away; he later finds Mason in the woods, naked and covered in dirt, and connects the dots. Caroline cannot control herself while making out with Matt, and ends up feeding on him. She compels him to forget about it, but later ends up intentionally causing him to break up with her to keep him safe from herself. Damon gives Elena Katherine's real name (Katerina Petrova) to aid in her research, but Elena still refuses to forgive him for everything he's done. Alaric reaffirms his romantic interest in Jenna. Caroline awakens to find Katherine in her bedroom.

26 4 "Memory Lane" Rod Hardy/ Caroline Dries/ September 30, 2010 (2010-09-30) 3.18[9] Stefan and Elena are left without options after Katherine delivers an ultimatum. Katherine tells Stefan that she will kill everyone in Elena's life unless they get back together, but Stefan still refuses. Katherine then tells him she will kill Elena too. Stefan attacks her, which causes her to break free from the chains he has been using to hold her. But Katherine tells Stefan that she has been drinking a bit of vervain for the last 145 years and has developed an immunity to it. She stabs Stefan when Elena turns up at the house - after leaving Caroline who was attempting to break Stefan and Elena up - they both meet and Katherine said Elena was asking the wrong questions. Throughout the episode Damon tries to get Mason to touch anything silver. Mason realizes this and decides to call a truce. They shake hands, but Damon has other plans. Damon corners him in the parking lot and stabs him with a silver knife, which backfires when Mason says its all a myth and that they are now enemies. As she watches the full moon rise, Katherine remembers what happened back in 1864, after Stefan and Damon had been both shot in an attempt to save her. She goes to Stefan and kisses him, and later says that she'll be back for him, and that she loves him. Stefan and Elena pretend that they are no longer dating so that Katherine won't hurt anybody. They "break up" within earshot of Caroline and Damon.

27 5 "Kill or Be Killed" Jeff Woolnough Mike Daniels October 7, 2010 (2010-10-07) 3.47[10] Elena and Stefan continue their fighting facade. At the Mystic Falls picnic, Mason Lockwood tells Liz, the sheriff, that Stefan and Damon are vampires. He proves it by spiking Damon's cup of lemonade with vervain, causing him to choke after taking a sip. Next, Stefan and Damon are set up and shot by Liz and her fellow police officers. Meanwhile, Caroline listens and fills Elena in. They have a short run-in with Mason, during which Caroline fights him off easily. They get to the brothers just in time before Liz kills them; however, Caroline's identity as a vampire is exposed. Liz rejects Caroline as her daughter and Stefan drinks Elena's blood for strength. Caroline confesses to Elena that Katherine threatened to kill Matt if Caroline didn't spy on Elena and Stefan for her. Tyler almost kills a girl by accidentally pushing her down the stairs. After this incident, he gives up the moonstone to Mason. At the end of the episode, it is revealed that Mason is working for Katherine (who wants the moonstone) and they are lovers.

28 6 "Plan B" John Behring Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain October 21, 2010 (2010-10-21) 3.62[11] Elena and Stefan wake up together in her bed and frolic around, while the camera splits between them and Katherine and Mason, who are also making out in a bed elsewhere. Jeremy goes to see Damon and offers to help get rid of Katherine. Preparations get underway for the masquerade ball at the Lockwood mansion and Damon and Stefan ask Bonnie to help them apprehend Mason. Caroline tries to bond with her mother and later compels her to forget that her daughter is a vampire. Bonnie agrees to help the Salvatore brothers. Bonnie then incapacitates Mason by giving him an aneurysm - he is kidnapped by Damon. Damon tortures Mason, who believes that Katherine loves him. Bonnie has a vision of the moonstone hidden in a well. Stefan searches for it but quickly discovers the well to be full of vervain and screams for help. Caroline and Bonnie arrive, and help Elena to rescue Stefan and retrieve the moonstone. Damon kills Mason and tells Katherine of his death. Jenna is found to have been compelled by Katherine and is forced to stab herself as Katherine taunts Elena via a phone call. Elena decides to break up with Stefan for good. Needing another werewolf, Katherine compels Matt to attack Tyler, so Tyler will trigger the curse.

29 7 "Masquerade" Charles Beeson Kevin Williamson & Julie Plec October 28, 2010 (2010-10-28) 3.55[12] Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, Jeremy, Alaric, and Caroline team up and form a plan to kill Katherine at the masquerade ball. Jenna returns home from the hospital, and Alaric agrees to keep an eye on Elena while the others carry out their plan. Katherine is visited by a witch named Lucy, who is to help her retrieve the moonstone from Stefan and Damon. At the ball, Katherine pretends to be Elena and threatens to kill partygoers if she doesn't get the moonstone. Bonnie intuitively realizes that Lucy is a witch. Matt, Tyler, and a girl named Sara are drinking and partying in a room at the ball when Matt- under Katherine's compulsion- begins taunting Tyler about his father and tries to fight him. Caroline hears them and breaks up the fight, but Sara- who is also being compelled- stabs Tyler with a knife, and he accidentally slams her into a desk, killing her. His eyes turn yellow, showing that the curse has been triggered. Stefan and Damon trap Katherine in a room that Bonnie has spelled to prevent Katherine from leaving it. Meanwhile, Elena becomes suspicious and goes to the ball to investigate. Jeremy and Bonnie tell her what's going on. Stefan and Damon try to kill Katherine, staking her several times, but stop when Jeremy comes running and tells them that every time they stake her, Elena is severely wounded too. Katherine reveals that she had Lucy put a spell on her and Elena, linking them together. Bonnie confronts Lucy and demands that she lift the Katherine/Elena spell. Lucy does so and incapacitates Katherine, who collapses. It is revealed that Lucy is Bonnie's cousin. Elena recovers from her wounds but refuses to get back with Stefan, saying she wants to feel that she and her family are safe first. Damon traps Katherine in the underground tomb. Before he seals the tomb, she pleads with him, saying that Elena is in danger, but he walks away. As Elena heads home, she is intercepted by a masked stranger, who grabs her and covers her mouth while she screams.

30 8 "Rose"[13] Liz Friedlander Brian Young November 4, 2010 (2010-11-04) Not aired yet. Damon and Stefan discover surprising information while helping Elena from a kidnapping following recent episode; Bonnie casts a difficult spell and asks jeremy to help and there is a concetion could it be start of a lovely friendship or relationship; Caroline tries to make things easier for Tyler seening he is a new werewolf and they become close.

31 9 "Katerina"[14] J. Miller Tobin Andrew Chambliss November 11, 2010 (2010-11-11) This episode has not yet aired.

32 10 "The Sacrifice"[15] TBA TBA December 2, 2010 (2010-12-02) This episode has not yet aired.