This is not a self promotion.

Walt Penner was born a pessimist in Vancouver British Columbia in 1984. He later relocated to Kamloops where he slacklines in the cold winter weather. In a few short days, the always inspiring Sean Clark has surpassed Walt Penner's lowly guitar skill. In a display of witty fun-making, Sean provoked Walt's 'friends' to point fingers and chuckle maniacally. In his usual pessamistic manner, Walt buckled down and soaked the carpet in salty tears. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case, and Walt continues to push the Penner name farther into oblivion.

Aside from the bad, there of course are a few excellent aspects of Walt's personality. At night, unbeknownst to his family and friends, he dons a tattered purple cape, and saves kittens from the wily evils of coyotes and dogs. The kittens are sometimes not very grateful, having covered his olive-like skin with countless scratches and gouges. In his usual display of improvisational skill, when questioned about them, Walt chuckles and blames the grey (not green) aliens that steal his beverages every night from his house.

For pass times, Walt enjoys memorizing repeats of X-Files, and trying to surpass Sean's musical prowess. He also enjoys helping his many guests take advantage of him and eat him out of house and home.