Numerical Control is basically another name for programming in the manufacturing industry. All the manufacturing that is done at the factories and warehouses they use a machine called CNC which stands for Computer Numerated Control. With CNC machine you can do various tasks including Milling, Turning, Drilling etc...Milling gives the shape to the part. Turning gives the shape by the tool that is used is perpendicular to the surface. In addition making small keyways and grooves are typical example of turning. Drilling basically drills the part and as a result holes are created on surface. All these processes are applications of Numerical Control. The program which are written for ex: G codes and M codes are to feed into the CNC machine and using these codes the tools in CNC machine moves. As a result milling, turning and drilling occurs. The codes associated with the movement of the tool are of different types. They are including but not limited to G codes, M codes, N codes, S codes, T codes and F codes. There are also some other code types but the ones listed here are important when it comes to machining.

In addition to the definition of the Numerical Control listed above and its application also the explanation of the codes which is mentioned above will be edited into the Numerical Control article.