Technological Infrastructure


Functional Tiers



Just as any other web systems has, has three main tiers. These three tiers are presentation, processing, and data tier. Tiers are the different levels (areas) where different responsibilities are carried out to make a web system work. The simplified responsibilities of these tiers are; presentation tier presents the information that user wanted on the computer monitor, data tier stores and sends out data to the presentation tier, and the processing tier works as the bridge between the two where they figure out what the user wants and how the user gets this information from the data tier.


3 tiers
See the diagram on the right. It shows how the data is pulled out through processing tier into the clients page on presentation tier.




The presentation layer ensures the data received by the user is in the appropriate form for use by the client. In a way it works as the translator that translate the computer language into a form anyone can read. Most of the time the responsibility of having to run this tier is split between the client and the server. In the Gamer DNA, just like most other Social Networking sites, have fat server and a thin client. This is to ensure that the program runs fast with using minimal memory of the client.


The processing tier involves recording, analyzing, sorting, summarizing, calculating, and giving instruction for storing and retrieving data. As mentioned before, processing tier works as the bridge that allows the flow of information and data throughout the tier system. Their main purpose is to make sure the data is going to the right place for fast retrieval when needed.


The data tier can simply be viewed as a giant storage area that stores all the data.

Major Features



Function has many definitions but in our context we will define it as all the action that this page can complete. There are many functions that has but the three main functions are social networking, Rank the game, and real time chatting. GamerDNA's main purpose is to bring gamers around the world together and create a online community.

Social networking

The main function of this website is social networking. Most of the tabs and links are focused on getting in touch with other players around the world and to hold discussions about the game on the website. The public discussion page allows its user to interact with other users through Q&A, just a friendly discussion, put in personal opinion about the games, and is open to any kind of interaction online. Many users use this page for just friendly chat with others that share the same passion. This page could be categorized as the main Social Networking space. The other social networking function is gamer directory. This page helps the user find other gamers and get in contact with them. This allows people to contact other gamers off of this page and allows its users to get closer to one another. As you can see on the diagram, it uses hierarchy, and links.
When you post on to this page, the information input will be saved on to the data tier after passing through a processing tier. This information is now open to the public and will be available to all the other users of this web page.
Information use
These inputs will actually be recorded under the personal id and will rank you higher as a contributor of the page. This process allows others to see how involved and liable your information is.

Rate the game

Another popular function of is its user ran rating system. People are allowed to go in and rate and critique the game they played. This option is a double edged sword in a way. Since it is user ran with little restriction on its content there could be wrong information on the page. Trust between the users is necessary for this page where if the trust is absent, than no one will go on this page for information. The rating is done on a five star rating system or the smiley face rating system. Also this page shows any other additional comments about the game and how many other members have played this game. This function uses hierarchy, sequential, index, and links to organize.
The input is saved onto the site data tier and become open for public use.
Information use
This forum is open for the public to critique. This information can prove valuable for other gamers trying to see what game to play next. Also other user can go in and ask other questions about the game starting a social interaction between the users.

Real time chat

This function can be found under the now tab. This process could be viewed as both asymmetric and symmetric way of communication. This page is a real time asking and responding page where it is ran like a massive chat box. However this function is not considered as a complete symmetric communication because even though it is a real time chat box, if no one is there to respond until later date it becomes an asymmetric communication. With this function, can differentiate itself from other gaming websites by focusing on real time social networking aspect compared to the traditional game discussions most other websites use. On this page you can also see how many other members are online and you have the ability to talk to them directly if desired. This function uses sequence and links to organize.
As you write on to this page the data is stored on to the data tier. It can be pulled up on any ones presentation tier as the post goes up and it will be ran like a big chat box.
Information use
This is a good place for someone to get a fast response since it shows how many other users are in this chat box. This information is open to anyone and can be used for any purpose they desire.

Information Infrastructure


Info Model


Info types and their Relationships

The info model has types, attributes, and value patterns. Types are just a way a thing is grouped. a simple example would be a person. This person can have many attributes such as height, sex, name, etc. Each of these attributes has a value pattern. Value patterns are the restriction on what can be returned under each of these attributes. For an example, for sex(one of our attributes under person), the value pattern will be male or female.

it's in the e-mail

There are three main info types on Those are users, ads, and groups. How Users are the people who come to this website to use its services. In the case of, the users can also provide services to other users. These users can click on ads or form groups which are our other two info types of Since the users make up such a big portion of the website, they can seen as the main info type of this particular system.


edit is mostly user ran. Both the questions and the answers are provided by the user. In order for this to work a trust has to be in place. By having this trust is the only way people follow the instructions or the answer they got from the discussion boards. The majority of the users have little input on the website however the web page itself is structured so that more and more users will become more interactive on the page. They do so by the more power to those that contributes more to the page. They rank each member on how many different games they play and also on how many contributions they have made on the website. This becomes an incentive for people to contribute more in order to become more popular within the page.
Diagram and Discussion
Example and Discussion
The attributes of these users can be found under directory. Their personal information including their can be found under the person and also it allows people to see other attributes that are linked to the users in one page.
One of the main way GamerDNA gets their money through is by posting ads on its website. On most of the pages with high traffic, such as its homepage, has an add on the right hand side of the page to draw users attention. They constrain them selves by having one main advertisements per page to keep the page clean and to ensure the user experience is good.
Diagram and Discussion
attached to the e-mail
Example and Discussion
There are usually only one advertisements per page and this is to keep the page user friendly. By keeping the page clean cut as you can see, they can appeal to its users while still being able to advertise and make money.


Group is when members with the same interests join together and share their ideas. They can rate and comment on the specific game that recently added to their group’s page. They post their comments or news that they want to share with the rest of the members in the same group. In your group’s page, you can also update and upload game bio, games, and media that you think your clan member would also like to view them. In gamerDNA, this is one of the top types that connect other gamers together and create different ideas. This info type differ from the user because in a group discussion, people tend act, think, and behave differently. For the group, there are numerous attributes. Each group has group name, members and group cover image, and question created by the group. Your gaming persona now has a home too. Share your gaming history, track your friends, join in community activity and much more. Give others the ability to manage the roster as well. Forums match your custom templates and can be set as a private private place for your group.
Diagram and Discussion
on the e-mail
Example and Discussion
These group is a good way to socialize. This is because these people share the same interest in the particular game.

Organizational structures



In the gamerDNA, the architecture consists hierarchy, sequences, indexes, and links. These four structures almost cover the whole entire the site of game. This site has covered all of the structures in really basic way. You can easily see them layout on the page. The architecture use template to update all the newest information on the website.


Hierarchy is like a tree. From a tree, you can see leaves, branches, and other little details. So for gamerDNA, it organizes types and deeper levels and relationships between each type. It is ranked information from top to subsequent levels.


From the image above, you can see how the homepage button is the top level of hierarchy. When you move the cursor to the GAMES-PLAYER-NOW tab you will see there are hidden slides. What it means that there is a box that link to other pages with the same type. When you click on GAMES tab, it will display GAMES's homepage where all the games information is. So from the homepage, it can redirect you to anywhere else on this website thanks to the hierarchical organization.


Most website has sequences. One of the reasons for this is that it is easy to organize through this process. Sequence way of organization is where everything is organized by a certain order. Most of this is done by chronological order where the time of the posting or when it happened determines where each information goes.
Sequence-In GamerDNA site, every new updated game will show in orders which are the newest. The newest one on top and the least current game stay in the bottom. Gamers can see which ones are new to them so they can comment or check out the game if they interest it. It is really good to have sequences on the site because it let customers now what going on at live.


Index is a way of organization where information is organized by alphabetical order. This is one of the most efficient way of organization for most cases. This process allows people to navigate through the website with little effort.
As you can see, when you type something(query) in the search box and it will show you all the possible results that match with your query. Since it is organized in alphabetical order the server can suggest what your are searching for even before you are finished with typing. This process is most useful when it is used to search for a particular item on the site.
Links are relationship between two types. In gamerDNA site, if there is a action game. The advertiser wants to target those actions gamer with all then action types of game. So they ask the provider to put those ads that match with the users with same interests.
When someone click on the link that got their attention. That person is more likely to purchase your products since you want to own it. Most of ads is just a link to their website or specific items that make customer want it. Now by saying ads link does not mean the whole website supposedly have all links about ads. There are some links that help visitors to get to the place faster and more convenient. Those are inside site link. For example, gamerDNA site has game tab. when you click on the specific game. You will access to that game's homepage. From that homepage, there are members followed the game. Each member has their own link (unique link). Click on that link will get you to user homepage.