User:Universe is Quantun Build/sandbox

History The modern meaning of the term "black box" seems to have entered the English language around 1945. In electronic circuit theory the process of network synthesis from transfer functions, which led to electronic circuits being regarded as "black boxes" characterized by their response to signals applied to their ports, can be traced to Wilhelm Cauer who published his ideas in their most developed form in 1941.[1] Although Cauer did not himself use the term, others who followed him certainly did describe the method as black-box analysis.[2] Vitold Belevitch[3] puts the concept of black-boxes even earlier, attributing the explicit use of two-port networks as black boxes to Franz Breisig in 1921 and argues that 2-terminal components were implicitly treated as black-boxes before that.

In cybernetics, a full treatment was given by Ross Ashby in 1956.[4] A black box was described by Norbert Wiener in 1961 as an unknown system that was to be identified using the techniques of system identification.[5] He saw the first step in self-organization as being to be able to copy the output behavior of a black box. Many other engineers, scientists and epistemologists, such as Mario Bunge,[6] used and perfected the black box theory in the 1960s.

Applications . Computing and mathematics . Computing and mathematics In computer programming and software engineering, black box testing is used to check that the output of a program is as expected, given certain inputs.[18] The term "black box" is used because the actual program being executed is not examined. In computing in general, a black box program is one where the user cannot see the inner workings (perhaps because it is a closed source program) or one which has no side effects and the function of which need not be examined, a routine suitable for re-use. Also in computing, a black box refers to a piece of equipment provided by a vendor for the purpose of using that vendor's product. It is often the case that the vendor maintains and supports this equipment, and the company receiving the black box typically is hands-off. In mathematical modeling, a limiting case.

Universe is Quantun Build/sandbox .

🧐 In philosophy and psychology, the behavioral school views the human mind as a black box; see other theories such as developing a decision algorithm to solve complex black box design optimization problems.

🧐 В философии и психологии,школа бихевиоризма рассматривает человеческий разум как черный ящик; см. другие теории, такие как разработка алгоритма принятия решений для решения сложных задач по оптимизации дизайна черного ящика.


في الفلسفة وعلم النفس ، تنظر المدرسة السلوكية إلى العقل البشري على أنه صندوق أسود ! انظر إلى نظريات أخرى مثل تطوير خوارزمية القرار من أجل حل

. مشاكل التعقيد لتحسين تصميم الصندوق الأسود 

✍️ Here a model of development of a decision algorithm to solve black box design optimization problems, VIA (Quantum Logical Instances: QL I), by associating 1 kbit to each input, we can easily find the required size of the logical outputs of our Black Box.

Description of QLI( Quantum Logical instances) . God is not a being.. God is the light of the heavens and the earth, but everything that exists in the universe is considered a being and has a solution under quantum logical instances described with a continuous funtion according to Leibniz's principle such as f(x)= 2^2x With x ∈ N* . For each infinitesimal Variations of x --- correspond an infinitesimal variations of the value f(x) that we can represent by an infinitesimal of wave vector Vnpr (nuclear vector of released photon) as interpreted by Dr.Feynman رحمه الله in chapter 39-3 compressibility of radiation in the Dr.Feynman lecture of physics ,volume I by "p" this p is momentum , it is a vector . With Vupr : unit vector of released photon . Example : for x = 1; f(x) =(4 quantum Logical instances) ; For x = 2 ; f(x) = (16 quantum Logical instances) ..; For x = 512 ; f(x) = 17.97732+e307 ..etc Finally ,by associating 1x to 1 qubit , we can resolve issue of everything entity that exists in the universe .

For this reason ,quantum control is a new approach in quantum physics that consist to control everything entity that exists in the universe through QLI (Quantum Logical instances) ✍️ . In other words , the state spaces of quantum systems of n qubits are of dimension 2^n. (the product of a vector by a matrix) has 2^2n products of two complex numbers. it is for this reason that we have for each case of "SandBox" (modern meaning of the term "black box") the number of Input Output are as follow :

For 1 input, yields a corresponding of 4 outputs = 2^2 . For 2 inputs, yields a corresponding of 16 outputs = 2^4 . For 3 inputs, yields a corresponding of 64 outputs = 2^6 . For 4 inputs, yields a corresponding of 256 outputs = 2^8 . etc .. (see Page 4 of pdf file quantum Fourier transformation)

Example of quantum Fourier transformation

Ex: for 1 input we should have 4 outputs for 512 inputs we should have 17.97732+e307 outputs .

Recent application . Mathematical analysis .

✍️ Hypotzsis(1) . Fields serve as foundational notions in several mathematical domains. This includes different branches of mathematical analysis, which are based on fields with additional structure. Basic theorems in analysis hinge on the structural properties of the field of real numbers. Most importantly for algebraic purposes, any field may be used as the scalars for a vector space (as Vnpr vector : nuclear vector of released photon ) . Function fields can help describe properties of geometric objects.

  • Moreover, it shows that quintic equations are, in general, algebraically unsolvable .

✍️ Hypotzsis (2) . Methodology .

  • In vector calculus and physics, a vector field is an assignment of a vector to each point in a subset of space.[1] For instance, a vector field in the plane can be visualised as a collection of arrows with a given magnitude and direction, each attached to a point in the plane.
  • Vector fields can usefully be thought of as representing the velocity of a moving flow in space , and this physical intuition leads to notions such as the divergence(which represents the rate of change of volume of a flow)
  • In coordinates, a vector field on a domain in n-dimensional Euclidean space can be represented as a vector-valued function that associates an n-tuple of real numbers to each point of the domain.
  • A vector-valued function, also referred to as a vector function, is a mathematical function of one or more variables whose range is a set of multidimensional vectors or infinite-dimensional vectors.
  • Historically, the concept was elaborated with the infinitesimal calculus at the end of the 17th century, and, until the 19th century, the functions that were considered were differentiable (that is, they had a high degree of regularity). The concept of a function was formalized at the end of the 19th century in terms of set theory, and this greatly enlarged the domains of application of the concept.
  • Here a function described metaphorically as a "machine" or black box that for each input yields a corresponding output

✍️ Hypotzsis (3) .

Solution of quintic function through SandBox approach 🧐 By considering the 5 degrees of the equation with 6 elements (a, b, c, d, e and f) as being 6 inputs of a Black Box with 4096 outputs. Since the elements of topological vector spaces are typically functions, we thus transform the quintic function into new fuction which describes an infinitesimal wave vector which aim for the change of each quantum variation of volume of a flow from state N to state (N+1) instance by instance with the rate of change of a value of 4096 in our Black Box case here.

Important note .

The state spaces of quantum systems of n qubits are of dimension 2^n. (the product of a vector by a matrix) has 2^2n products of two complex numbers. it is for this reason that we have for example for 6 inputs, yields a corresponding of 4096 outputs = 2^12. (see Page 4 of pdf file quantum Fourier transformation)

Example of quantum Fourier transformation