I have listed Template:User Discussion Closed at Templates for deletion. The reason for this is because it is used solely to replace discussions on your talk page, which generally speaking should not be removed. (If you feel that your talk page has grown too large, then I recommend you create an archive, as I see you have done previously.)

If you wish to comment about this nomination, please do so at the template's entry on the Templates for Deletion page. In the mean time, please do not remove the TfD notice from the template. Thank you. --RFBailey 12:19, 14 August 2006 (UTC)

No, not OK, sorry. Just because you don't want a discussion to continue, the other party may disagree. Removing content from talk pages is considered very bad form, as they exist as a record of conversations that have happened, and it should not be necessary to hunt through the page history to find them. Also, as the template exists in the template namespace, other users may discover it and also use it, which should not be encouraged. --RFBailey 12:26, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
As I've already said, if you're talk page has been come too large, then you can archive it. You should not remove discussions from talk pages, full stop, end of story. Replacing them with a "This Discussion is Closed" message doesn't help. Your alternative suggestion just sounds like a more complicated method of archiving. --RFBailey 13:13, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
The problem with the way you've done it is that they are cut and paste moves, which destroy the edit history (i.e. what shows up under the "history" tab, details of who wrote what and when). If you archive a page properly, then this doesn't happen. Instead of a six-monthly archive, just do archive it when the page gets too big (e.g. when you get the size warning at the top when you edit it). "Temporary archiving" is not a standard way of doing things, and is likely to confuse people. --RFBailey 13:56, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
That's not good enough, I'm afraid. Read the instructions about archiving here: that's how everybody else does it. People will simply not expect you to employ your own system of archiving. It also doesn't address the point about maintaining the page histories. --RFBailey 14:09, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
I know they're not encyclopaedia articles, but user talk pages are an important part of the way Wikipedia functions. Also, the page histories of talk pages are important in the case of disputes. --RFBailey 14:17, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
Precisely. Please remember to be civil in discussions. If you want to ignore my advice, then go ahead, but don't say I didn't warn you when somebody else complains. --RFBailey 14:40, 14 August 2006 (UTC)