Life of prophet(peace be upon him) The birth of Holly prophet(p.b.u.h) The celebration of the Prophet's (s.a.s.) Birthday:

The birthday of the Prophet (s.a.w.) is called Maulid  which denotes the festivities organised on this auspicious day. The alternative term Milad, which means 'birthday anniversary' is also commonly used. Thus in this case, the day is referred to as Miladun-Nabi, the birthday anniversary of the Prophet. His full name is Abul Qasim Mohammad bin Abdullah and he was also referred as “AL-AMIN THE TRUSTWORTHY” The celebration of the Prophet's (s.a.s.) Birthday:

The birthday of the Prophet (s.a.w.) is called Maulid  which denotes the festivities organised on this auspicious day. The alternative term Milad, which means 'birthday anniversary' is also commonly used. Thus in this case, the day is referred to as Miladun-Nabi, the birthday anniversary of the Prophet. His full name is Abul Qasim Mohammad bin Abdullah and he was also referred as “AL-AMIN THE TRUSTWORTHY” The celebration of the Prophet's (s.a.s.) Birthday:

The birthday of the Prophet (s.a.w.) is called Maulid  which denotes the festivities organised on this auspicious day. The alternative term Milad, which means 'birthday anniversary' is also commonly used. Thus in this case, the day is referred to as Miladun-Nabi, the birthday anniversary of the Prophet. His full name is Abul Qasim Mohammad bin Abdullah and he was also referred as “AL-AMIN THE TRUSTWORTHY” Himah described Holy Prophet pbuh as very calm and obedient as he never asked any thing special in food he prefers ordinary food etc. when holy prophet pbuh was 2 years old she sent him with his foster brother Abdullah but he returned alone without prophet pbuh. Upon inquiry he told that a person came to him and stabbed him with knife .Halima Sadiqa and her husband hurried to the spot and saw Holy Prophet pbuh told him that two split open my chest and took out an aretry and scaled it ad returned it to is place. They were very amazed by this, after six years Halima Sadiqa returned Prophet pbuh sorrow fully to his mother BiBi Aminah he remained with his mother till 6 years old her mother took him to his relatives after some time when she returend she die on the way in a valley named hajun her servant ummeh aimen was with them and took Prophet pbuh back to Makkah. Then his grand father Abdul Mutalib. When Holy Prophet pbuh was 8 years old his grand father also died and he was taken over by his uncle Abdul Talib. Although he didn’t learn according to the custom of that time but he was famous for his unmatchable personality. the years of famine the people of makkah ask Abu Talib pray for rain. Abu Talib to ok Holy Prophet pbuh and other people with him. He pressed Holy Prophet pbuh finger and ask him to rain. When he raised his hand to pray although when there was no cloud at time its start to raining. When prophet pbuh was 10 years old his uncle took him to Although he didn’t learn according to the custom of that time but he was famous for his unmatchable personality. the years of famine the people of makkah ask Abu Talib pray for rain. Abu Talib to ok Holy Prophet pbuh and other people with him. He pressed Holy Prophet pbuh finger and ask him to rain. When he raised his hand to pray although when there was no cloud at time its start to raining. When prophet pbuh was 10 years old his uncle took him to trade to Syria,at this trip Bahira a Christian monk saw Prophet pbuh and recognized him as prophet and told Abu Talib not to take him to Syria as Jews may kill him. At the age of 15 Hazrat khadija who was a wealthy tradeswomen gave him the responsibility of her caravan. when he returned her servent was all praises for him and later that hazrat khadija decided to marry holy prophet pbuh so she sent request through Nufaysa,at time of their marriage holy prophet was 25 and hazrat khadija was 40. at the age 25 prophet pbuh fixed the black stone in Kaabah at the age of 40 prophet was bestowed in the cave of Hira and Hazrat Khadija accepted Islam an Warq Bin nawfil confirmed it. The birth of HOLY PROPHET(P.B.U.H) On 18 of Ramazan the 1st year of Prophethood revelation started arriving .40people accepted Islam at the end of third year of prophet .in the 5thyear of the Islam Hazrat Umar and Hamza accepted Islam .the 10th year of the Prophet hood is called the year of sorrow because Hazrat Khadija and Hamza die.In the same year he visited Taif.He went on Miraj on 27 Rajab the same year prayers 5 times a day prescribed. "Read in the name of the your Lord, Who has created- Created man, out of a cell of congealed blood: And read , The Lord is Most Bountiful,-Who taught (the use of) the pen,-Taught man what he not know did."

Life Before prohet hood When he was born, Arabia was enveloped in all kinds of bad deeds. The Arabs at that time were worshiping idols, trees, stones, moon, sun, rivers and mountains. They were leading an uncivilized life having no culture and system. The women had no position in their society and young girls used to be buried alive by their fathers. Murders, dacoities and kidnappings were all legalised in their system. It was very unfortunate that the Holy Ka`bah was filled with three hundred sixty idols. The people of Makkah had forgotten the original message of Prophet Ibrahim which was mixed with superstitions and self created traditions. Mohammad (saws) never accepted such ideology and always kept himself away from such practices. The mission of Prophet Mohammad (saws) was to restore the worship of the One TThe leaders of Makkah, took his preaching with hostility. The most hostile to the prophet were Abu Lahab, his wife and Umar bin Hassham (Abu Jahel). Initially the rue God, the creator and sustainer of the universe, as taught by Prophet Ibrahim and all Prophets of God; In his mission he was to keep his own garments pure from dirt like urine, excreta and blood stains and same should be for all the believers.! Emphasis was also laid on cleanliness. leaders tried to bribe Mohammad (saws) with wealth and power including an offer to make him king in return for abandoning his message. They had also convinced his uncle Abu Talib to persuade the Prophet to stop preaching but the Prophet said: "If they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left to stop me from preaching Islam, I would never stop. I will keep preaching until Allah makes Islam prevail or I die." When their efforts went in vain the Quraish began to persecute Muslims with physical abuse and torture. Even the Prophet was publicly ridiculed and humiliated. They were frequently throwing filth at him while he prayed in the Ka’bah. Despite all these difficulties the Islamic belief kept all Muslims firm on the religion of Islam. When the persecution became unbearable for most Muslims, the Prophet advised few of them to emigrate to Abyssinia. It was a country situated south of Saudi Arabia which was under the control of Ethiopia in 615 AD where King Habash (Negus, a Christian) was the ruler. The King allowed them to stay under his protection inspite of the pressure from Quraish leaders. The emigrants were allowed freedom of worship in Abyssinia. To spread the message further, the Prophet went to Taaef, another city near Mecca but he was flatly refused and the residents made fun of him. Their children threw stones at him inflicting injuries. When he came out of the town, Jibreel (as) appeared along with an angel and said, “This angel can destroy the town if you ask him to do so.” The Prophet declined and said that the next generation at Taaef may accept Islam. After his visit to Taaef, the Prophet had experienced the event of al-Asraa (al-Meraaj) (621 AD). In the Al-Asraa, Jibreel (as) took the Prophet from the Grand Mosque near Ka’bah to the furthest (al-Aqsa) mosque in Jerusalem in a very short time during the latter part of a night. Here, Prophet Mohammad (saws) met with previous Prophets (Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and others) and led them in a prayer. In Al-Meraj, the Prophet was taken by Hazrat Jibraeel up to the heavens to show the signs of Allah. When the two reached near the boundary of Lote trees named as Sidratil Muntaha, Hazrat Jibraeel said “ I am not allowed to go beyond this, therefore you must now proceed alone.” The Prophet then viewed many things which no man had seen before. He then had audience with Allah. It was on this journey that five daily Salats (Namaze) were prescribed. Preaching and Difficulties of MOHAMMAD(S.A.W.W) The persecution of prophet (SAW) and his Sahaba was a terrible face in early Islam.

Prophet (saw) began preaching Islam, more and more people entered the folds of Islam.

The Kufar felt threatened and began to harass prophet (saw) and opposing him and ridiculing and jeering at him all the times.Makka's foremost way of opposing Prophet (saw) was to spread lies and rumors about him, calling him mad man, poet etc.

The kuffar invented a new way of abusing Prophet (saw) by calling him Muhammam instead of Muhammad, which is opposite of his original name as Muhammad means “ praise worthy” , while Mudhammam means one who is “vehemently condemned” 

When kuffar failed in their vision They started to torture him Physically. They threw dirt and filth at him. His path was strewed with thrones and brambles, and he was even pelted with stones.Uqba bin Abi Mu’ayt: He laid the intestine on the prophet’s back and shoulder. Uqba pressed prophet(s.a.w) forhead. Vision to kill prophet(s.a.w). "Read in the name of the your Lord, Who has created- Created man, out of a cell of congealed blood: And read , The Lord is Most Bountiful,-Who taught (the use of) the pen,-Taught man what he did not know ." The Hijjrah Migration to Al Madina The HIJRAH is the arabic word which is also called HIJRAT. Hijrat is the journy of prophet(s.a.w) and his followers from mecca to medina between june 21st and 22nd in 622AD The HIJRAH is the arabic word which is also called HIJRAT. Hijrat is the journy of prophet(s.a.w) and his followers from mecca to medina between june 21st and 22nd in 622AD Verily, thou cannot guide aright everyone whom thou lovest: �but  it is Allah who guides him that wills (to be guided); and He is� fuIly aware of all who would let themselves be guided."  (Sura Al-Qasas 28: Verse 56) History At the time of the Hjra most of the Muhajireen were poor and possessed nothing, but the Ansar displaying the finest example of Islamic brotherhood, provided them with their needs such as houses, money and food. They lodged them in their own houses, shared their wealth with them and gave their daughters in marriage to the Makkan Muslims.

Such were the Muhajireen and the Ansar - brothers sharing food, clothing and residence, and defending and helping each other as ordered by the Almighty. From them we learn patience, self-sacrifice, fraternity, piety and devoted zeal to spread the call of Islam to less fortunate people around the world. The Islamic State:

The other important event after the Hijra was the establishment of the Islamic State and Government by the Prophet

 Prophet Muhammad [s] presented to the dark world seething under tyranny and oppression, the most perfect ever constitution - spiritual, social and political and a key to their salvation both in this mortal life and the hereafter Ghazwat e Nabwi Prophet(S.A.W) attempt some bettle Battle of BADAR Battle of UHAD Battle of EHZAB Battle of TABOOK The battle of O:HUD Ohud is a hill near Madinah. The famous battle of Ohud was fought in the valley of this hill. The non-believers from Quresh, invaded Madinah with an army of three thousand, in the third year of Hijra.��The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) with his 700 worthy companions fought the battle and like all such occasions, in this battle too, the Faith of the Muslims for Allah and love for His Prophet (equipmentpeace be upon him) gave them strength to defend themselves inspite of lack of numbers and inferiority of. Ghazwa uhad: Ghazwa uhad was fought on March 19, 625 (3 The Battle of Uḥud SHAWWAL) in front of mount Arafat The Battle of Uḥud was the second war between the Meccans and the Muslims Muslim has only 700 hundred soldiers instead the army of 3000 maccan’s In this war Hind is reported to have cut open the corpse of Hamza, taking out his liver which she then attempted to eat   Generally the battle uhad is defeat of Muslims The battle of ehzaab: Abu Sufyan had succeeded in forming a military alliance composed of the Jews and various tribes of the Arabs. The news of this great army was brought to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). He called a meeting of His Companions. On the suggestion of Hazrat Salman Farsi, a trench of a depth of five cubits and width of more than ten cubits was dug, all around. The ten thousand strong army of Quresh tried to cross it for 25 days but in-vain. At last, the army began to defect and Abu Sufyan was forced to lead it back to Makkah in utter depression. The battle of badar: The first battle between the believers of truth (Islam) and the forces of evil was fought on the battle field of Badar, 60 miles from Madinah towards Makkah. On one side stood a small group of 313 men of whom merely 60 of them wore armour, while facing them was arranged an army of one thousand warriors well armed and equipped. The believers had the strength of their Faith in Allah and His Prophet. They knew that Truth must prevail and falsehood must be destroyed. Thus it was this very Faith which brought about the Miracle and Truth did triumph GHAZWA TABOUK: The Battle of Tabouk (also called the Battle of Tabuk) was a military expedition, which, according to Muslim biographies, was initiated by the Prophet MUHAMMAD in October 630. Muhammad led a force of as many as 30,000 north to TABOUK in present-day northwestern Saudi Arabia, with the intention of engaging the Byzantine army. Though not a battle in the typical sense, if historical the event would represent the opening conflict in the coming Byzantine-Arab wars. There is no contemporary Byzantine account of the events, and much of the details come from later Muslim sources. Noting this, as well as the fact that the armies never met, some Western scholars have questioned the authenticity of the details surrounding the event;[1] though in the Arab world it is widely held as historical The last Sermon of Holy Prophet�(p.b.u.h) The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) deliver his last sermon on mount Arafat on 9th Zilhajj ‘’10 Hijra. There is no god expected ALLAH. He is the only GOD. Non shares HIS authority and power. A Muslim is another Muslim's brother and all the Muslim are brother among themselves. In the eye of ALLAH ,the most righteous is the most honourable among you. The holly Quran is a guide for our life No Arab is superior to a non Arab nor is a white man if any way better than a black man "Say thou, (0 Prophet:) 'I am but a mortal� like you. It has been revealed to me that�your God is the One God: go then, straight� towards Him and seek His forgiveness.'�And woe unto those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him."  (Sura 41:6) Death of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h)

On the Monday 9th of safar prophet  feel headache and temperature.

Prophet spend his last week Hazrat Ayesha’s house, Before two days prophet feel well, But after two days Prophet died, The prophet set his slaves free paid a charity seven dinar Lesson: 1: Respect everyone of your env1iroment to be respect. 2: Do believe in your God and follow your heart. 3: you know what is right and what's wrong, select what's good for you and you environment. 4: Do work hard ,play your role for your environment 1: Respect everyone of your env1iroment to be respect 49:11] O you who believe, no people shall ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or make fun of your names. Evil indeed is the reversion to wickedness after attaining faith. Anyone who does not repent after this, these are the transgressors. ��[49:12] O you who believe, you shall avoid any suspicion, for even a little bit of suspicion is sinful. You shall not spy on one another, nor shall you backbite one another; this is as abominable as eating the flesh of your dead brother. You certainly abhor this. You shall observe GOD. GOD is Redeemer, Most Merciful A Muslim defines what Muslim goes much beyond just worship – it also includes our actions. It is imperative for Muslims, along with the acts of worship, to be humble, merciful, unselfish, pious, modest, noble, straightforward, honest, cheerful people who have good attitudes and treat other people with the utmost respect. “Some people came to him [the Prophet] and asked, ‘Who is the most beloved to Allah of His servants?’  The Prophet (pbuh) replied: ‘Those who are the best in attitude towards others.’” (At-Tabaraani; its men are rijaal as-saheeh). Commanding the right and forbidding the wrong: Allah Almighty says, "Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong. They are the ones who have success The Almighty says, "You are the best nation ever to be produced before mankind. You enjoin the is right, forbid the wrong. The Almighty says, "Make allowances for people, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant," (7:199)ng." (3:110).cess." (3:104) the Almighty says, "We rescued those who forbidden the evil and seized those who did wrong with a harsh punishment because they were deviators."(7:165) Prophet (p.b.u.h) said that 'Whoever of you sees something wrong should change it with his hand; if he cannot, then with his tongue; if he cannot, then with his heart, and that is the weakest form of belief.'" [Muslim] Do what you have been told:

Ask Your heart for a decision even if hater muftis give you a verdict.

 one’s character this term means the beauty of one’s character of who they truly are, imagine you see something and have a sensory reaction one’s character that strikes one’s eye as beauty so righteousness can be summed up in that. sometimes will be a dream as an answer one should make a decision based on all these factors and be content with it because if gone through those steps with proper intentions and it didn’t work out it has worked out because you’re seeking good so if had said intention good is there whether you perceive it or not. Work hard , play your role for your environment: The Momin dies with his sweat on his brow.”

To have sweat on one’s brow indicates labour and hard work. This means that a momin dies working. Our concepts have gotten messed up. We think that the place of recompense is this world; that once you reach a certain age you should be living in luxury, if not all your life. But where in the Quran does Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) say that a luxurious life (eeshatin raadhia) is supposed to happen anytime on earth? All of Allah’s promises of never-ending ease, of comfort to your heart’s content, unblemished happiness, freedom and plenitude, are regarding Jannah. This life is our qualifying exam to get there. As a sensible person in the middle of an exam does not say, “I’m tired of writing,” and retire from the exam, Muslims also need to realize that death is the only time of retirement for him/her.  Work hard , play your role for your environment: In such difficult time of its time for us to take some responsibilities over us to give comfort to our brothers and sisters. Try to help other. Follow the rules and regulation of your country. Study harder ,even harder because you’re the future. Make you environment comfortable for other, make friends , good friends. Thank you (Farah naz,Um-e-abiha,Kiran saleem,Arsalan qamar)