
Full name - Ubin Reddy Shrestha Profession - Civil Engineer(labor) Interest - Football and other sports Position - Goalkeeper

Intoduction Ubin Reddy shreshtha, also known as ubin reddy is one of the most profound alumni of NIT wrangal who started his professional career with Thermax limited as the sales executive , selling MAX Pf900 and other projects by going home to home. Ubin in his small time period with tha company, mastered in the technique of waterproofing and started selling chemicals for waterproofing to the big players of the civil and construction industry. Ubin usually boasts about being the most profitable division of the company but in no world he has contributed even a single penny towards that profit

https://www.linkedin.com/in/ubin-shrestha-a96b1589/ UbiN Reddy Shrestha]Ubin Shrestha

Starting Life

Ubin was born as a third child to his parents, with his small hands and smaller eyes. For the initial 18 years of his life, he just converted oxygen to the carbon dioxide without adding much value to the eco sysytem. then he joined NIT wrangal for making his life more complex and got introduced to biryani here which became his first love. ubin loves Chicken biryani, more than anything else in this world

UBIN and Iphones

Ubin uses only iphones for the telecommunication purposes and is planning to update his current iphone 6S to Iphone 8+.one day while working in the office ubin recieved a call from the delivery boy. ubin got really excited believing that the delivery boy has brought his iphone 8+ which he got in donation from his sister and had not purchased it himself but nature played its best stroke and the iphone turned out to be some documents from college friend