I live in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Long time user and fan of Wikipedia. I have much expertise in many and diverse areas and often long to add more to a wiki entry, providing factual, and referenced material along with my expertise. I try to contribute where in small areas, mostly formatting, when I am able. Unfortunately, my knowledge of Wiki formatting is limited, so I often just follow the same formatting as that which has already been created. I'd *really* love to see a step-by-step set of YouTube video tutorials on how it all works to teach others. Or perhaps even if someone could make or find a WYSIWYG client for properly composing, editing, and referencing wiki pages. I'm very happy to be a part of this amazing project, just wishing I knew better how to contribute, as I know the quality and accuracy of contributions is to be of the highest standards. And the last thing I want to do is accidentally muck something up because of my ignorance of how to properly format a Wiki contribution. Ir anyone has any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, I would love to hear about them. Please send me an email if you wish. u4ia74 at yahoo dot com Thanks you to all.