Elizabeth Tutundzic Mesfin Assamnew Mohammad Reza Sohrabi ESL1220 Reading andd Writing II April 14, 2014

2014 ESL Friendship

         I . Name Meaning
              A . Elizabeth
     According to a baby name website Elizabeth is generally used as a girl’s name. The name Elizabeth is derived from the Greek name Elisabet which comes from the Hebrew name Elisheva. The Hebrew name Elisheva appears in the Old Testament where Elisheva is the wife of Aaron. The name Elizabeth appears in the New Testament where Elizabeth is the mother of John the Baptist. Elizabeth was also the name of a 12th century saint, two ruling Queens of England (the 16-century Elizabeth I and the current ruling Queen Elizabeth II), and a RussianEmpress. The name has been very popular in England since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in the 16 century. Elizabeth has the diminutives (nicknames) Bees, Beth, Elze, Liz, etc. Some famous bearers of this name include Elizabeth Montgomery and Elizabeth Taylor. 
              B . Mesfin
    Mesfin means “ruler” or “king.”

               C . Mohammad
    My name, Mohammad, is very popular around the world. It is an Arabic name and it means Praiseworthy.  It has 18 variant forms and it is a male’s name only. I have a middle name of Reza, and it means contentment. This is a popular Iranian name. 
          II . About My City 
              A . Elizabeth
    Sarajevo is the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is
its administrative, economic, cultural, educational and sports center. The cityOf Sarajevo is a unit of local self-governance, which consists of four cities: Old City, Center,New City, and New Sarajevo. According to the website www.sarajevo.ba, Sarajevo is situated in the area of the Sarajevo plain, which is surrounded by the Bjelasnica and Igman mountains to the Southwest, by Trebevic to the Southeast, and middle-range mountains and inter-valley headlands (capes) to the north and Northwest. The average height above sea level of the Sarajevo plain is 500 meters. The most distant western point of the plain is at 180 16’ eastern geographic longitude. The most distant eastern point is at 180 27’ eastern geographical longitude.The most distant northern point is at 430 53’ northern geographic latitude. Finally, the most distant southern point is at 430 47’southern geographical latitude.      
              B . Mesfin
    I am originally from Ethiopiaon the east horn of Africa. Harer is my city of birth. Harer is the most multicultural city in Ethiopia with its historical attractions where you can watch caregivers feed hyenas. 

                  C . Mohammad
    Golpaygan is located in the province of Esfahan, Iran.  Historically, the name Golpaygan means “land of tulips.”  Around the city, there are mountains and hills where there are fields of flowers.  The population of Golpaygan is about 70,000 and it is approximately 6,000 feet above sea level.  The language spoken there is Farsi and the main religion is Islam.  Golpaygan is known for dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese.  Also, there are a lot of factories located outside the city, such as car manufacturing, dairy products, chemicals, and polymer manufacturing.   Golpaygan has four seasons and the weather averages about 85 F in summer to as low as 20 F in the winter.  The best season there is spring and summer.
         III . My Future After Completion ESL Courses
              A . Elizabeth
    I’m taking ESL classes because I want to be prepared for academic study at college. These classes are helping me communicate better and understand English which is my second language. With this class I have met many new and different people. I’m really enjoying my classes with all the students and instructors too. My next step after this class is to take phlebotomy classes. 
              B . Mesfin
    After completing ESL classes I will persue my medical assisting dgree. After earning a medical assisting degree I will start my dream career in the health care industry. To conclude, getting a job is my ultimate goal, however, I will make sure i enjoy life with my family and help the people in need.

                C . Mohammad
    After I finish my ESL courses, I plan on taking collegecourses at Tri-C.  I want to get my Bachelor’s degree and find a good job. I would like to own my own business one day. In the meantime, I am starting a family and I have a child on the way. 
          IV . Definition of Freindship
              A . Elizabeth
    According to the dictionary the word ”friendship” means a relationship between friends.

NOUN 1. the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person’s friendship

     2 . a friendly feeling or disposition

2. a friendly relation or intimacy Origin: Before 900; Middle English;Old English “If you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship you really haven’t learned anything.”

                                                           -Muhammed Ali

“The only true currencies in this bankrupt word are the moments you share with someone when you’re uncool.”

                                                              -Cameron Crowe

“Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another,‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’” -C.S.Lewis

           B . Mesfin
    Friendship is a supportive and cooperative relationship between people that consists of love and care. True friends are truly connected through offering advice, showing sympathy, being honest to each other and supporting each other. In ancient Greece, friendship was the topic of moral philosophy, such as openness to each other. There are three kinds of friendship: Friendship of utility, pleasure, and the greater good..There are many movies about friendship. Some of the best include The Help, Bridesmaids, Calendar Girls, Beaches, and Thelma and Louise.
              C . Mohammad
    According to the Oxford dictionary on the internet, friendship is defined as a relationship between two people where there is a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.1   A friend is someone you like who has things in common with you and that you enjoy spending time with.  Some movies about friendship include Toy Story (1995), Goodwill Hunting (1997), and E.T (1982).   Some famous quotes on friendship from the Iranian poet Hafiz are: 

“Even after all this time The sun never says to the earth, "You owe Me." Look what happens with A love like that, It lights the Whole Sky.” ― Hafez2” Or Rumi, “Give me the gift to blend and bond with a friend. Give me the brains to stay away from love. Give me the strength to challenge my own fate. Give me the feet to walk from this tangled state.3” Friendship is an important part of life. My best friend is my father. Ever since I was a child, he was always close with me and talked to me like I was his friend. He showed me how to talk to people and be friends with people by his good examples. He had good relationships with many people. After a few years, as I got older, I understood why my father treated me like a friend and not a child. It was because children can’t always tell their parents everything, but you can say everything to your friends.

          V . Definition of ESL
                 A . Elizabeth
    According to the website  www.antimoon.com ”How to learn English effectively” ESL means “English a Second Language.” People usually use the word ESL to talk about teaching English to people who not speak English. Often ESL students are people who came to live in an English-speaking country and do not speak very well. Many of the immigrants who arrived from Bosnia are highly skilled and many have medical degrees or are layers or engineers. It is difficult for us to find jobs because of our language. We take any job where language is not a barrier and that means working in a factory. We work 5-6 days a week and try to go to ESL class at night to learn English. In Bosnia, children learn English, but ESL is only for older students or people who work with other countries for business reasons.

              B . Mesfin
    ESL stands for English as Second Language. In Russia the only place where students can get ESL classes is in language institutes. But in Ethiopia students learn ESL in classes offered in elementary and high schools, colleges and universities. But the class structure focusses more on gramatical knowledge than speaking. Writing and reading are ot taught by native English speakers . At Tri-C, ESL classes such as Writting and Reading, Grammar, and Speaking  have been designed to help students minimize the language barrier and improve English  language understanding as well as communication skills.  Many students who have joined Tri-C are originally from a diverse mx of countries. Classes are interesting and knowlegeble.   The instructors are dedicated, full of knowlege,  patient, and have international experience.
                C . Mohammad
    The definition of ESL is English as Second Language.  It is the study of the English language by people who are not native English speakers.  It is important to learn English as an immigrant if you want to be successful in United States and that’s why these classes are important.  Some courses for ESL are Reading, Writing, Grammar, Public Speaking, and Informal Speaking.  Speech class is very helpful to me because in my country we never had this.   It helps me pronounce words correctly and teaches me how to stress certain vowels. In my country, the English taught was British English, which is very different from what we learn in the USA.

VI . Our Tri-C ESL Freindship

              A . Elizabeth
    When I heard about this project I was so scared. It looked hard at first but with my friends everything was easy. Mesfin is from Ethiopia. He is a good friend. He is so serious and everything must be perfect. He likes to help when we have a problem.

Mohammad is from Iran. He is a good friend. He is a funny person. I think a couple people go by different names. I am Jessica, Mesfin is Samuel . He is a good student and likes to help. Ihab is from Jordan. He has been here for 7 months. He is a good friend and a funny person. He is a good student and likes to help.We have 10 students in Reading and Writing class and some of them ask me, “What about me? Am I your friend?” Of course everybody in my ESL class is a friend. I’d like to hear their stories about their country, especially the most interesting tradition in different countries. I am really blessed to be working on this project with my friends.

               B . Mesfin
    A friendship between  Mesfin Assamnew from Ethiopia, Elizabeth from Bosnia and Herzegovinia, Ihab from Jordan and Mohammad from Iran  is an example of a friendship that formed in an academic environment in the spring of 2014 at Tri-C..
                  C . Mohammad
    Elizabeth, Mesfin, Ihab and I are in ESL Reading and Writing class together. We are all from different countries and share our stories about how we got here, and we all have different stories.  Ihab is from Egypt and he has been here 7 months.  We joke a lot and get along well-- we share a lot of laughs.   Mesfin is from Ethiopia, he is smart and knows a lot about geography, politics, and international news.  Elizabeta is from Bosnia-she is a good friend. We share a lot of stories and talk about everyday things together. She is friendly and generous.

Work Cited Elizabeth



               Lucas, Chris. "Contextual Ethics". Retrieved 1 May 2012.
               Owen, Terence (1996). Aristotle: Introductory Readings. Hackett. p. 274.
                "Definition for friend". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionary Press.  
                 Retrieved 25 May 2012

Mohammad 1. Oxford Dictionary. “Friendship” Oxforddictionaries.com <http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/friend?q=friend> April 1, 2014. 2. <https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/6461611.Hafez >April 1, 2014 3. <http://iranian.com/Arts/Rumi/1494.html> April 1, 2014.