My random collection of junk




One thing that really worries me for the last few years is the amount of hostility I'm seeing lately toward the naive or the busy. The little contributions add up, and the mistakes can be corrected. But scare someone away and they're gone.

Consider this, Notability fans: are you having a chilling effect? Please be nice.

Treekids (talk) 17:46, 10 January 2022 (UTC)

archive audiobook and encode for car MP3 CD player


Title="Book Name / Author / Read by / (Un)abridged / Year"

title=$(echo "$Title"|perl -pe 's{ */ *}{-}g;s{ }{_}g')


targdir=/mnt/320GB/store/audiobooks/$title/disk$d && (mkdir -p "$targdir" && cd "$targdir" && EDITOR=vim abcde -o flac -b && eject /dev/cdrom )

# ... and repeat above for all disks ...

# standardize the flac (lossless) filenames...

for f in $(find disk*/ -name '*.flac'|sort); do dd=$(echo "$f"|perl -ne 'if(m{disk([0-9]+)/}){printf "%02d\n","$1"}'); tt=$(echo "$f"|perl -ne 'if(m{([0-9]+)\.flac}){printf "%02d\n","$1"}');echo "dd[$dd] tt[$tt] f[$f]"; mv $f flac/$dd-$tt.flac; done

# make mp3 files that range from tiny to high-quality

(cd $targdir && for flac in $(find . -name '*.flac' -type f|sort); do for kbps in 32 64 224; do destd=./mp3-${kbps}kbps/. && destf=$destd/$(basename $flac .flac).mp3 && echo "$flac -> $destf"; mkdir -p $destd && flac -c -d $flac | lame -s 44.1 --preset cbr $kbps - $destf; done; done )