
The article Dog is information about domestic dogs. It is broken down into categories, such as taxonomy, origin, biology, intelligence/behavior and communication, ecology, breeds, roles with humans, terminology, and cultural depictions. This article is broken down into these categories to better understand domestic dogs.

The definition of (domestic) dog is a species bred from wolves that are found all over the world in many sizes and colors.

The taxonomy category breaks down the science studies of dogs over the years.

The origin category is a further breakdown of where the (domestic) dog came from. As we can see science and research shoes us that the domestic dog comes from wolves. Most dogs show a trait of ancestry and descended traits that came from ancient wolf populations.

Biology category talks about dogs anatomy, heath, and inbreeding depression. A dogs anatomy is made up of its skeleton, muscles, respiratory system, digestive system, and the reproductive system. A dogs health can be complex ranging from simple runny nose to an infectious disease.

Ecology category is about a dog's population, diet, predators, and range. When it comes to population of dogs, there has said to be million of dogs in the world and counting. Diet for dogs are based around their ancestry of wolves and they are carnivore/omnivore animals. Now, although dogs are considered carnivore/omnivores they do in fact have predators. Some predators of dogs are wolves, coyotes, and big cats (leopards, mountain lions, etc.).

Terminology list all the terms of dogs. Dogs are knows by different terms for different reasons. Some of the term dogs go by are puppy/pup, bitch, stud, alpha, beta, omega, sire, dam, pack, and litter.

Lastly, the cultural depictions category talks about mythology and religion, art, literature, education and appreciation. When thinking about dogs one wouldn't typically think about cultural depictions, but like many things dogs have cultural depictions too. Though history dogs can be seen in mythology and religion from saying they represent faithfulness or uncleanliness, or seeing them as guard dogs for different mythologies. Looking back through history you can also see dogs in literature stories, art pieces, and taught in education as well.



Origin of the domestic dog

Dog anatomy

Dog health

Cultural depictions of dogs
