The Moon is high in the sky and the stars are glimmering brightly in the dark sky. Light as The Moon! And Hiccup Haddock ¡¡¡, he walks over to his dragon Toothless, hes a Night Fury. And he pets his dragons head and says "Well bud, time to start our jounrey to find more of your kind! Lets go." His dragon coos and nods as Hiccup gets onto his saddle putting his prosethic leg in the stirrup opening his Red Tailfin and they zoom off into the starry night sky to start the journey of Finding More Night Furies. (1 hour later) "Toothless Watch Out! Arrows!" Toothless sees the arrows and he roars dodging them all because of his fast flying skills and his rider, Of Course! "Ready..... Now.... PLASMA BLAST!!!!!" He roars and shoots a single plasma blast at the hunters ship and the hunters screams in fear because they cant swim at all and Hiccup sees someone famillar on the ship but that doesnt matter now! We won!! "C'mon Bud! Before they regroup..." He nods and they fly away from the broken ship and they fly west hoping another ship wont be following us or wont be there..... "Toothless maybe this wasn't such a good idea as I thought...." Toothless coos in worry of his rider as he lands on a island and he folds his wings and Hiccup gets off his dragon and The Dragon's Red Tail closes up and he lies down And Hiccup leans against his dragon's back and Tooth's tail's is around Hiccup's legs and they fall asleep to live another day. (Morning) "Ah. Well Bud what you think? You wanna go for a mornin' fly?" Hiccup then sees that.. Toothless is GONE?!?! "Toothless!?!?!? Bud!!!" Hiccup starts running everywhere on the island looking for his precious dragon. Not just because its a NightFury. It's his best friend... (Tooth's P.O.V.) I open my eyes, I felt a pain in my tail just like when I was shot down from Hiccup that time.. I look around my surroundings noticing I'm in a metal cage with a muzzle on my mouth and I only growl... In my mind "Hunters. I just know it! Why does my tail hurt though??" I get the courage to look at my tail noticing my Red Fin is Gone and... My real tail has some blood on it!!! I start bashing my head against the cage wall to break the muzzle and surprisingly, it worked! -I open my mouth and start to roar ereally loud for my rider but, sadly he doesn't hear me. How would I know that? -I keep on roaring and all that roaring starts hurting my throat-