Christiano tarilenga, is the son of John Wickliffe Tarilenga, the son of John Tahi, the son of Thomas Taiva from or on the northern part of Pentecost island.

He was a man who believes that every man or everyone was born for a purpose in life but not him.

Growing up in a foster system was something that made him a man that thinks and worries alot.

He was born in the 16 of January 1990 along with his twin brother Christian Tarilenga. His sister Suzanne and Little brother Michel O'Conor Tarilenga were born 3 Year's later.

In 1997 his parents got separated which then happened that they separate the childrens among them. The boys go with their father while their sister goes with their mother.

Leaving Port Vila to Pentecost for the funeral of his grandfather John Tahi was when Christiano and his brothers were left on Pentecost Under the care of their grandmother Rachel and aunty Marion.

Remembering that day when his father leaves them Christiano say's " He told us that if we wanted to go and see someday we have to make it through primary school to secondary standard."

Nine years passed but the longing of seeing his father again some day keeps Christiano to do better in his studies.

In 2002 the day has finally arrived when he was approved for Londua Technical College on Ambae island.

"When I heard that I made it through, I knew I was ready to meet my dad again But I was afraid he was going to lie."

Two weeks passed and he was with his dad getting ready for school. In school he didn't get much support from his father which make him feel isolated from the other students. He remembered wearing dirty clothes, couldn't go home for two week holidays and was left to be the chief cook cooking for the year 10 students who were studying for their final exams in August 2003. In September 2003 the schools Boarding Master a man called Stephen Garage from Saranamundu West Ambae adopted him and look after him. "He was a very good man, he gave me anything I want. But I didn't ask for so many things because I was not used to him and didn't feel comfortable with the idea of calling him dad.

Later in 2005 Christiano received a phone call from a woman who claims to be his mother inviting him go and spend the Christmas holiday with her. Feeling very happy to be reunited with his mother, Christiano makes a decision which he say was the worst of all decisions he ever made.

On his way from Ambae to Malekula (thats where his mother was) he has to tranship on Santo and in Santo he knows no one he called family.