My contact data:
Thomas E Moore, PhD
TBD Wickham Way
Crofton, MD 21114 USA
ph: +1-410-721-8557
e-mail: tomem at

About Me:
Personally, I'm a husband and dad, amateur photographer, hiker, bicyclist, web surfer and writer.

Professionally, I'm a research scientist and manager, interested in space weather as it affects planets, astronauts and spacecraft.

Politically, I'm a kneejerk liberal, with deep respect for truly conservative points of view. I have things to conserve, like my health, my family's love, my real property, my financial resources, the environment, and of course, world peace or stability.

Spiritually, I align myself with Einstein, Gorbachev, Hawking, Sagan, Thoreau and Frank Lloyd Wright: I believe in God, only I spell it N-a-t-u-r-e.