[1]Virginia Hazzard’s commitments are still alive written by Dr. Ghassan Shahrour

         Only a few people still inspire us after they left long time ago.This is exactly what Virginia Hazzard does for many of her friends and colleagues even after about 4 years of passing away.

She was a unique and caring person; I am still affected by her character and find difficulty in finding the fair words to describe the life of such a loving and devoted person. Yes, she has gotten her lasting and deep influence from her unique blend of dedication and simplicity

         Virginia was a long-serving staff member of  UNICEF in different parts of the world and an active member of the civil society community.

As an active volunteer, she played a key role in planning the NGO Forum on Women in Kenya in 1985 and in China in 1995 as well as in organizing other meetings on aging. She also took part in many international meetings on women, children and development;she built friendships everywhere she visited. At all of those events throughout the years she inspired everyone, young and old alike

       The first time I met her was at the international Non-Governmental Organization Forum on Aging that took place in Madrid, Spain in April 2002 during the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Aging. During that forum, Virginia was a devoted volunteer representing the United Nations NGO committee on Aging.

She was simply a friend to all of us who had come from different parts of the world and who had different backgrounds

        Her enthusiasm and openness was so contagious that before the speaking sessions commenced, we found ourselves friends and close to each other.

Later, she told me that more attention and recognition are needed to honor the efforts of volunteers and their organizations helping older people in the world. She frequently raised the idea of establishing an international award in order to honor those who make a difference in the lives of older people. We sat together for a long time during the Madrid meeting, creating a proposal for that idea

        Two years later, in October 2004, I met her again in New York City during the UN observance of the Older People Day.

Before my presentation, she reminded me again to speak also about the proposal she raised in Madrid. She also, toured all of us on many organizations and activists inside the UN and New York City where we realized what strong relations and friendships she had built with all of them. She knew how to get along with people regardless of their age, country of origin or their culture. She had a gift for telling so much but with so few words

         Virginia did her best to make my visit both enjoyable and productive. 

She continued to correspond with me through email and shared so much with me about her involvement in a photo exhibition portraying the life and the challenges older people face in developing countries. She often spoke of her tireless efforts to involve Japanese companies in her award project

          I enjoyed meeting with her again during my next visit to the UN where I had the opportunity to learn more about her recent humanitarian works as a volunteer
         She was a hard working, talented, passionate, and loving person.  As a volunteer, she wanted to do something to make the world a better place in which to live.  She was interested in, and very knowledgeable about, different cultures.  She was so easy to get along with.  I do not think it was even possible not to love and respect her
         Before passing away in October 2008 at the age of 89, she had devoted her legacy to helping achieve her project.
         A few months ago, I was informed that the Virginia Hazzard Legacy Fund was announced by her committee and friends as well as an annual award to a person or group instrumental in addressing the issue of older persons.  On October 1, 2011, the first such award was bestowed during the celebration of the International Day of Older Persons. Finally, her idea has become a reality since her friends and colleagues have remembered her by keeping her commitments alive 
         I believe that the reason our world has so many conflicts and challenges is because there are very few people like Virginia Hazzard.

Each time I think of this very kind person, I wish I could have told her how much I love and respect her one more time before she passed away

Persons I know, Article written by Dr. Ghassan Shahrour

  1. ^ Blog of Ghassan Shahrour,at wordpress, on October 30, 2011