User:Tmhoang81/Instability analysis of composite materials

The general solution of the Navier's equations in the circular domain for a homogeneous body


Starting from the the Cauchy's equations:



we follow the procedures of Kochmann, [1], express the Cauchy' equations in the polar coordinates:





and assume the separable form of the solutions



For each value of  , we have a set of solutions  . Since solutions   are   periodic of  ,   must be an integer and hence   ranges from   to  . The general solutions would be:



On the other hand, displacements must be real, i.e   or



It is easy to see that



Comparing equation ... and ... to get



However, we can go further to get simplier (in this context) representation of solutions by doing some operations. For example, from the above conditions, one can wrire:



We conclude by writing the general representation of solutions as follows:



it means that m is a nonnegative integer. Now let find the solution of the Navier's equation. Subtitute ... to ...





Let consider possible situations.







The Navier's equations auto-satisfied or any arbitratry functions   can be solutions. In this case the trivial solutions   is unstable.






It is obvious that the system, in this case, always admits nontrivial axisysmetric solutions (w.r.t  )   arbitrary and hence the instability of trivial solution   occurs.







The same conclusion as 1.a above.






Same conclusion as 1.b except that in this case nontrivial,arbitrary axisysmetric solutions (w.r.t  ) is   arbitrary.









where   are arbitrary real constants.


Assume   are solutions of ... Plug them to








Rewrite the system of equation in the matrix form



and realize that the system has non-trivial solutions if the determinant equal zero or



Solving the above equation to obtain



Recognize that when   then  . We have three independent solutions in this case,  

Since the solution   is the one with respect to the double root of the characteristic equation, we can find another independent solution, which is  . So for this case the general solution would be






When   we have four different values of  , giving the solutions:





with relations



Finally, the form of the general solutions after superimposing all modes are:





When no tractions at the outer boundary


When no displacements at the outer boundary


The general solution of the Navier's equations in the circular domain for a composite body


When no tractions at the outer boundary


When no displcaments at the outer boundary




Effective bulk modulus for a composite cylinder (2D case)


From the definition,i.e, [2] the effective bulk modulus is defined as:

































Effective bulk modulus for a composite sphere (3D case)



  1. ^ Dennis. Kochmann, Dynamic stability analysis of an elastic composite material having a negative-stiffness phase, Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 2009.
  2. ^ R.S. Lakes, W. Drugan, Dramatically stiffer elastic compostie materials due to a negative stiffness phase?, Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 2002.

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