dear world life is such an amazing place it haz boats and cars and boatcars and cheezes bugerz cats. But today i realize dat there iz a pimple on ze face of the earth hiz name may or may not be tom. but nowadays nobody noze eachothers true identityes im looking at u 007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!! I cant sip ma ice tea without say in ooooooooooooooo crap son that guy iz a plant licker. Ma intel states dat he has a hut for a wife(A fat slimey star wars charecter) and his children drank moter oyl(made by red necks) in kentuky the land ov fryde chickinz. after which turned them in two disformed dandylione peepl. i plan on punching the rocks on his drive way and not fluffing his piloes also i mite tweet a nasty review of hiz home made soop.(that meens a -1.5 star rating tooo be spercific. i hope all his oranges get moldy and fish chew hiz toes. did you no he created earwigs. he waz in his drug lab wen he had an idea he put wigs on hiz ears and poored vodka on the wigs and then bloged about it on myspace. When suddenly a vile of syonide poored out onto his ears they mutated into insects and crallled around they then mated and had 4.879million babies and took over africa. and now dey live in yur sock drowers blame that on tom. :( i have a bounty of 2 dollerz and 5 monopoly dollers. here iz a picture