Running some tests.

One row of headers

Percent of households with handguns.
Percent of households with firearms.
Percent of adults in armed households.
Country Year Handgun
Year Firearm
Year Adults
Australia 2005 0.3 2005 6.2 [1]
Austria 2005 5.6 2005 15.1 2015 7 [2]
Belgium 2005 5.2 2010 5.1 2015 3 [3]

Two rows of headers


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Percent of households with handguns.
Percent of households with firearms.
Percent of adults in armed households.
Country Year Handgun
Year Firearm
Year Adults

Australia 2005 0.3 2005 6.2 [4]
Austria 2005 5.6 2005 15.1 2015 7 [5]
Belgium 2005 5.2 2010 5.1 2015 3 [6]