User:Tillman/De Freitas email on S&B

This is included in his long email to the Climate Research publisher, copied to Mike Hulme at CRU: [1] Some of this may have already been quoted in 2ry RS's. Highlights:

On review of S&B:

  ... four referees sent their detailed
    comments to me. None suggested the manuscript should be rejected. S&B
    were asked to respond to referees comments and make extensive
    alterations accordingly. This was done.

On selection of reviewers for S&B:

    Keep in mind that referees used were selected in
    consultation with a paleoclimatologist. Five referees were selected
    based on the guidance I received. All are reputable
    paleoclimatologists, respected for their expertise in reconstruction
    of past climates. None (none at all) were from what Hans and Clare
    have referred to as "the other side" or what Hulme refers to as
    people well known for their opposition to the notion that humans are
    significantly altering global climate."

De Freitas goes on to summarize, evaluate and defend the S&B paper against the attacks from Mann et al.