
Adam Hartung


<gallery> Adam, born 3/15/1957 in Wichita, KS, and has become a well known business consultant and author. Adam Hartung is a global leader in innovation management. He is a regular columnist for Forbes on innovation leadership. Author of Create Marketplace Disruption: How to Stay Ahead of the Competition (Financial Times Press) based on 12 years of research and over 800 case studies on how to profitably manage innovation. "Create Marketplace Disruption" is a leading book on innovation management, endorsed by Geoffrey Moore as well as the President of Comcast and multiple other leadership gurus and industry leaders. He is a contributing editor for The International Journal of Innovation Science. Adam created, and teaches, the innovation management course, now required for all MBAs, at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management. For 5 years he has been a leading consultant in the field of innovation management, creating above average returns for multiple clients.



Adam Hartung has created above average profitable growth as head of business development for PepsiCo, DuPont and Sun Microsystems. He is experienced in licensing, acquisitions and sales, having worked in America, Europe, Asia, India and Africa. He led a billion dollar turnaround at AM International. He has corporate P&L responsibility and consulting P&L responsibility as a partner at Index, Computer Sciences Corporation, Coopers & Lybrand, The Hammitt Group and manager at The Boston Consulting Group. He has also successfully implemented innovation and grown revenues from scratch as an entrepreneur, twice creating organizations that produced beyond-expectation return for investors at Mycro-Tek and Apex International.

Adam Hartung has demonstrated considerable expertise in managing innovation from idea to revenues of $1B. He has published several very popular ebook, white papers, been quoted in multiple professional journals, provided multiple conference keynote speeches. Adam currently provides his expertise as Managing Partner of Spark Partners growth strategy, innovation management and transformation consultancy.

Info on Books and articles here.

