In the article entitled “Technology and Society”, the author does a brief over view of where technology started and how it became modernized. Starting with ones own definition of technology, the author refers to tools made in the early pre historical period as a form of technology. These tools back then such as a rock, would be considered technology because they are simply tools used for practical purposes. The author then continues to go into modern technology such as computers and the use of CD drives, to further explain the point that once society becomes more knowledge of technology we begin to make advancements which further leads to society taking advantage of society. One of the authors main claims of taking advantage of technology, are the programs instagram, Facebook, and snapchat. The author considers these forms of technology as negative because they cause a portion of society to become depressed and maintain addictive qualities while using these forms of social media. Moving through the article the author addresses how technology plays a huge role in the rise to the economy, and since our society can not separate ourselves from technology there needs to be a way to support these technological advances. In which the author goes over a series of ways society can get funding through the government or private funders, since technology plays such a huge role in todays society. Furthermore, the article has a great basis for the need society has on technology, and the need to fund technology so that it can advance and continue to grow. The authors tone throughout the article is very informative and reliable, as he uses examples that most if not all of people should understand and easily be able to compare to. The authors article was also constructed in an organized as way, starting at the prehistorical age, moving to the modernized portion of technology, and followed by a couple of paragraphs on the funding of technology. Although the article was well structured, I would like to see more elaboration on the thoughts of society as a whole needing technology in order to advance. The author talks about how technology begins to advance, but he does not discuss how society as a whole is advancing due to the advances in technology. I do think that the author should end on technology and society instead of ending on government funding and private funding. Since the article is so straight forward it allows the author to add in a lot of facts and details on technology advances. The article lacks examples of technology, details, and hard facts on how society has grown with technology. Since the article is separated in four main sections, it would be easy to add in a few details per section on technology. Adding these details to the article will tie the whole piece together, because I found that the article did not always quite relate back to the theme of technology and society, but rather just the theme technology. Creating key details and supplying hard facts will act as a guide to help tie in societies play on technology towards the end of the article.