first entry here: 29aug16

This refers to the wikipedia account i set up using the name "Throbserver".

I have no idea how long this is going to take, but I’m not in any particular hurry.

The probable subject I initially want to collate research on may come under the general title of “Bio-electronics”. However, I am more interested in collecting together different “personal (and therefore subjective) experiences” of “electrical sensations.”

I want to collect together existing research into the heart and find out how -ve ions affect the carriage of oxygen in the bloodstream, so it's about breathing. does breathing serve the heart, or does the heart serve the breath?

so, points that I hope to collect information on:- Pranayama Orgone energy [ I have an intuition that what Wilhelm Reich called "Orgone" energy is similar to or the same as the energy associated with the electrical charge expressed in terms of negative and positive ions.]

       Galvanism. Consider the fact that an electrical charge when passed through the tissue of a muscle

causes the muscle to contract. The cardio vascular system. The effect of Ions (-ve and +ve) on the subjective sense of wellbeing, (or sense of "Health")

[Of course there is a relation to pornography and fire~breath. and "heartthrobs" and hypnosis [Mesmerism].

Also to be considered: the sensation of an electrical tingling in the genital region when there is sexual arousal.

Also the sensation of an electrical tingling up the spine when one feels stimulated. I'm sure I'll be delving into genetics at some point too.