Absolute Time 

Dr. Julian Barbour, PhD. (University of Cologne, 1968)[1] a theoretical physicist argues that Time is not an abstract concept but that time is nothing more than motion[2], and that absolute time is the motion of the entire Universe.    Dr. Barbour uses the fundamental mathematical expression for the law of Conservation of Mass and Energy as a proof. The argument is as follows:

Bodies with mass have potential energy (PE) in their mutual attraction;           

PE = g ( MiMj)/r         

Taking this and applying it to all the bodies of a system, the formula looks like this:          

PEij = g ∑(i-j) Mi Mj)/rij        

Where: g is Newton’s gravitational constant, mi is the mass of the body “i” in the system and likewise mj is the mass of body “j”, and rij is the distance between the objects i and j.  

The summation symbol means take all the pairs ij in the system once, calculate the gravitational attraction for each and then add them up. 

Objects in motion have kinetic energy, KE.

KE = ½ M V2

A very good approximation of velocity is v = ∆ x / ∆t.   The delta symbol indicating a very small quantity.  Taking that approximation and applying it to all moving objects results in the following equation.

KEij = ∑ (i-j) Mij (∆x/∆t )2/2

In an isolated system the sum of the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy remains constant at all times; Conservation of Energy.

E = PE + KE 

Taking the isolated system as the entire Universe (Eu) and substituting into PE and KE the equation looks like this:

Eu = g ∑ (i-j) (Mi Mj)/rij + ∑ (i-j) Mi (∆x/∆t )2 / 2

Time is now in the equation as part of the kinetic energy.   Electrical fields, magnetic fields and such are manifested through the motion of charged objects and are intrinsically included in the equation.

Rearranging the equation to isolate time on one side results in this equation:

∆t = (∑(i-j Mi(∆x)2/2(E-PE)) Where: PEij= g ∑(i-j)MiMj)/rij                                                     

E, g and the mass are constants, the only variables are time and displacement.  A dimensional analysis of the equation resolves to ∆t = ∆x second/meters.   This equation says that time is dependent on the movement of every object in the system.  When that system is taken to be the entire Universe, it is the clock that measures absolute time.   We can’t observe that clock but we only need to use the clock that is relevant to us.

Some ramifications[3]:

1. There is “Absolute Time”.  It is the movement of everything in the Universe relative to each other.  At any given “now” every single particle is in a unique position relative to each other.  Time can only go forward because for time to move in reverse it would require every single particle to be in the exact unique position relative to each other that they were in the past.

2. Absolute Time is the same for everyone in the Universe.  Although, absolute time is impossible to know, clocks are devised to measure a piece of absolute time which is relevant to the user. 

3. Space-time can be thought of as:  The relative movement of objects through space creates time.

4. Einstein’s beautiful equations on relativity are still valid, they have to be.  They have been confirmed many times over.  A clock in an extreme gravity field will run slower relative to an identical clock in a lesser gravitational field, not because of an abstract space-time, but because the clocks are behaving according to the forces acting on them.  Gravity effects the movement of mass and movement is time.  

The following equation shows instantaneous velocity expressed without using time.  Dr. Julian Barbour writes[4], “… (it) expresses the truth that only relative quantities have objective meaning.  Speed of body “i” is not the ratio of its displacement to an abstract time increment but to …the displacements of all the bodies in the system.”  

Vi = ∆x/∆t = √(2(E-PE)/ ∑I Mi (∆X)2 ) * ∆x

  1. ^ Merali, Zeeya (March 2012). "Gravity off the Grid". Discovery: 44–51.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  2. ^ Barbour, Julian (1999). End of Time. London: Weidenfield and Nicolson.
  3. ^ Poulson, Thomas (November 2015). "Time: An Absolute Definition". Essay submitted to PVCC Physics.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  4. ^ Barbour, Julian (December 2008). "The Nature of Time". Essay submitted to: Foundational Questions Institute.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: year (link)