'The SELF Method and Polykinetics'

The SELF Method aka "The Method" stands for: Simple, effective, life fitness, and is defined as a revolutionary perspective towards physical fitness called: Polykinetic calisthenics or "Polykinetics" --A science inspired series of basic calisthenic movements, infused with key components of music and mentality that is allegedly being claimed to be a "universal fitness method"; that in theory, believes not in restricting lifestyles, rather than simplifying the perspective.

The Method was developed out of the basic fundamentals, principles, and incorporated disciplines in the areas of: physics, neurology, cognition behavior and general physical education. The Method is designed to target three (3) specific areas of overall health and wellness: physical fitness, positive cognition and overall vitality.Theselfmethod (talk) 15:27, 8 May 2014 (UTC)