The Poet

Hi I created this profile long time ago (2005) when I couldn't find information on Silas Marner which was one of our text books for english classes in college.

Unfortunately during that time I had lost access to my mail id so I could never do a password reset.

The username ThePoet originated from the fact that I am a great Poets of the Fall fan and I used to write poetry while in college.

I love wikipedia cos it is a great treasure for mankind. I wish to get access again to this ID so that I could add my knowledge to it.

These days I develop / port linux applications to Android devices. Currently I am creating a new Linux Distro that could replace android.

I love Wikipedia and Open Data and all the good projects such as FSF / GNU.

My role model is Richard M Stallman (my son is named after him), Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Free Software Philosophy and Freedom has become such an integral part in my life that I decided to give up my regular job to focus to help out. Only thing is that I need to find an alternate source of financing... But I leave that upto God.

I love Jesus, GNU/Linux. My first pet and best friend for five years was a Squirrel I called Al Bundy, after he passed away I focused more on programming this was a turning point.

Pretty much out of sequence and of little relevance... Just trying to prove that it is not I who is greater, but WE, the community.

I totally hate corporations that return little to the community and points of control / authority that restricts freedom or makes panopticon out of our worldly footprints.

I show the middle fingers to End User License Agreements thats why I left proprietary OS usage. I am good at Vector Graphics and Coding. A day can't pass w/o some hacks.

My website can be found at / .

I may edit this page in future. I will add a cryptographic hash at the end of this text to verify that this profile was/was not modified by non logged in users.

Robert Nediyakalaparambil ab548ab8be714d2d4bd7aa848507ad19981cbcff6f4942828f729d7b67cbc687858a364b56e0c78b73a61b61b9f4a36e587b3c5bcd78029b18405d5d086a8bbd The Poet