The Evolution of Gods


The Scientific Origin of Divinity and Religions

Author: Ajay Kansal

The Evolution of Gods
The Evolution of Gods is a non-fiction that utilizes modern science to explain why,

when and how religions and gods became the desirable explanations of the inexplicable events. What kind of human sufferings necessitated people to bow down before unseen powers called gods? How did mysteries of nature give birth to divine powers? Who invented morals, methods of worship and the ancient scriptures? In order to answer these and other related questions, the author has compiled a brief history of human religious activities. He has concluded that ancient people invented the concept of gods with the help of their imagination to wrestle with their mysteries and miseries. However, during the past three thousand years, the idea instigated several personal, social and medical evils. He has suggested that the knowledge about the evolution of gods may vaccinate youths against the disease of religious extremism.

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