I was born in Louisville, Kentucky on October 12, 1984. I went to Bradley University but I then transferred to Northern Kentucky University.

I graduated in May 2007 from Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and an area of concentration in Electronic Media and Broadcasting (was Radio-Television).

During my sophomore year of college, I was cast as the sidekick on a late night comedy television show at Northern Kentucky University called The Night Show. However, that show quickly ended and I took over as host. I was sucessful in renaming it The Nightly Show with Daniel Solzman. This talk show was in the style of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as Jon Stewart was a major comedic influence on my life at the time. I ended that show at the end of the semester.

As far as career plans go, I am an aspiring comedian. I want to join the list of famous U.S. comedians and the gigantic List of Jewish American show business figures. Comedic influences include Sid Caesar, Ben Stiller, Bob Hope, Seth Rogen, Judd Apatow, Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, etc. Starting in August 2008, I am relocating to Chicago, Illinois] so that I can start studying improvisational and sketch comedy at The Second City.

Since I am a registered Democrat, I'm supporting Evan Bayh in 2008. I am also a political blogger.

I am a Jewish American as I was born Jewish.

Relevant Links: The Kentucky Democrat
Redbirds Fun