Hello there, this is my extremely basic page!

If you have ANY issues or comments, PLEASE drop by and have a chat. I'd love anything, from complaints to complements- I need to hear it.

But here's about me:

My real name is Ryan, and I'm 15 years old. I live in England, but I'm not really patriotic for my country, but I'm damn proud to be a human, though I'd find aliens cool too (as long as they didn't want to kill/pewpew/eat me ;) I love videogames (particularly Halo and Command & Conquer, and Doctor Who, amongst other normal stuff like good drinks, being with friends and all that.

I'm also a Christian, but I don't really go to Church or practice, nor do I force my beliefs on anyone or bring it up in casual conversation- I think religion is personal and should never be forced on anyone, and I also believe strongly in tolerance.

Any other queries, as I say, have a chat with me, I'd love to hear it.

Hope you enjoyed your stay! :)