User:The Original Filfi/Divisive politics

Divisive politics

""Divisive politics is a methodology inherited form the historic Divide and rule military and political approach to gain or exert power unduly. During the late 20th century the Republican party (GOP) under the House minority whip Newt_Gingrich used this tactic successfully to regain both the house and the presidency for the GOP. Having successfully achieved these aims this methodology is now entrenched in US politics and exhibited by GOP as a standard practice.



Nearly all historic examples are from right-wing politics and include such policies as anti-immigration, anti-communism, anti-socialism, a call to a Christian God, media manipulation, discrediting otherwise reliable media. common methodology includes defining and attacking a common enemy', usually an easy target and of no real threat, creating a volatile tinderbox and knowingly however indirectly causing some violent encounters or confrontations, which in-turn crates a re-action form both moderates and the left, which in-turn reinforces and empowers the base of support andproves that the divider was ostensibly correct all along, the vicious circle is then self-sustaining.

Pre 20th century usage

  • Hitler
  • Mussolini

20th century revival

  • Newt_Gingrich used this tactic successfully to regain both the house and the presidency for the GOP.

21st century exponents

  • Donald Trump, despite his self-proclaimed racist, misogynistic, fraud, tax-avoiding used this tactic to gain the presidency and sow division and unforeseen political unrest in recent time in the United States.
  • Mad max (some Clown from Canada

Export of tactic to other regions


Evidence suggests funding has been sent to Australia and from there to New Zealand and the start of similar programs has begun. funding alternative news sources and building a base of support. Aligning with pentecostal free churches.

