So, I'm Seth Rollins. You may know me as the man who single-handed created and destroyed the Shield.

Some of my interests are getting even and winning world championships. My brothers, maybe, are Dean Ambrose,and Roman Reigns.

I am a three time WWE World Heavyweight Champion, a one time WWE United States Champion, and a one time WWE Tag Team Champion. (With Roman Reigns) and the first ever NXT World Heavyweight Champion.

I am the only WWE Superstar EVER to hold the World Championship and The United States Championship at the same time. I ended Sting's Career, I injured Finn Balor in our match for the WWE Universal Championship.

I will be WWE Universal Champion, even if I have to beat the living hell out of Kevin to get it.

I used to hit the Curb Stomp, formerly the Blackout, before it was deemed too unsafe and I had to adopt the Pedigree from my former mentor, Triple H.

Some of my favorite matches : Bobby Roode vs Tye Dillinger at NXT TakeOver: Toronto and Shinsuke Nakamura vs Sami Zayn at TakeOver: Dallas in Zayn's last NXT match. 'I hope you enjoyed this and IDK hmu on, I guess. Here's da link: ''''Bold text Also, GOLDFUCKINGBERG TheManSethRollins (talk) 04:12, 26 November 2016 (UTC) The Man

Oh yeah and I have an addiction to big butts. I hope that isn't weird.