An American Foreign Legion

An interesting notion that I have been pondering as of late is the assemblage in the United States of something on the order of our own version of the French Foreign Legion. In so far as that it is clear that the United States will need to bulk up militarily over the next decade in keeping with its ever-increasing role of empire we might think about an alternative to the long-term deployment of American military forces. One of the difficulties of the long term deployment of US forces is the tremendous strain that it places on the families of service members and additionally the employers of service members what with a majority of American troops coming from the ranks of the National Guard and Reserve. With a corps similar to the Foreign Legion, let's call them United States Volunteer Corp (USVC), students of history will know the origin of this term, they could be used in the role of providing long-term military and administrative support in and of United States military operations around the globe in place of regular American troops. This is not to say they would be any less qualified, trained, equipped or supported. Quite the contrary they would be top notch in every respect.

The core of the idea is this. The USVC would only accept those without familial ties and non-citizen immigrants not already in the US, unless here legally, who would after 7 years of exemplary service be eligible for fast track consideration and approval of citizenship application. The practice, of having non-citizens serving in the regular military, which is now commonplace would end and all future non-citizen military aspirants would be required to take the USVC route to citizenship. Applications to the USVC would be taken and considered directly from eligible and interested persons in the United States, its dominions and in various countries. Of course, as with the British Ghurkas, the application and selection process would be exceedingly rigorous and out of the many that would surely apply few would be selected.

USVC units would be deployed with and in support of regular American military units and in some instances, in advance of. They would form the bulk of troops supplied for UN peacekeeping operations. This onerous duty no longer falling on the shoulders of the regular military. I foresee the USVC being organized into something akin to light infantry units at the Brigade level with light armour and helicopter air support. Think Bradley and Stryker, Bell AH-1Z and Boeing AH-64D. While not having the absolute force throw weight of a fully integrated division of the United States Army Corps or of a Marine Corps Expeditionary Unit, they would still be able to bring significantly lethal force to bear in the initial stages of an operation and with proper support extend that capability over the near to intermediate term. In this way more than likely forestalling the need for much beyond this level of force commitment except in the case of the most intransigent of enemies.

I believe the time has come for the United States to consider the formation of it?s own version of the Foreign Legion so as to maintain it?s preeminent military position and to be able to fully and effectively support our increasing military obligations around the globe.