Dydh da, ov vy Yowann Trevilewynn, ov Kernow Pyth Yw Kernow? Kernow yw konna tir orth penn Breten Veur. Kernow yw bro geltek. Yowann yw Kernow. Ev a drig yn Kernow. Ev a gews Sowsnek. Ev a gews Kernewek ynwedh. Pyth yw mammyeth Yowann Sowsnek yw mammyeth Yowann. Fatell dhysk Yowann Kernewek Yowann yw esel an Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek. Ev a dhe glas rag dyski Kernewek. Prag y tysk ev Kernewek Drefenn y vos Kernow!

Cornwall is a country, not a county! south of England. It is a Celtic country like Wales and Ireland, we have our own language and culture and flag. (the above writing is in Cornish/Kernewek) The Cornish language is very similar to Welsh, but Welshman and Cornishman cannot directly understand each other, however we can just about make out what each other is saying. I live in Sen Ostell, a small village in Kernow by the sea. I like football (Soccer) fishing and all manner of other things. I am a Cornish nationalist, however i support the British National Party. (all articles to do with the BNP on here should be blocked from editing as people persistently vandalise them!) i cannot think of anything more to write here anyways yeghes da! Kernow Bys Vyken!