Tasneem Bin Ahsan

Hello, My Name Is Tasneem Bin Ahsan. I’ve been making a full-time living from the internet for the past 7 years. No, I’m not a millionaire (yet). I don’t even consider myself an expert at anything!! However, through trial and error, I’ve learned a thing or two about starting and growing a successful online business. And I’m sharing with the people everything that I learned along the way. With that, I also do professional Graphics Design & Fron-end Web Design. I am a freelancer.

I just finished My study in February 2021. I studied Kamil at the department of Adob (Literature) in the institute called Bara Rangpur Karamotia Alia Madrasah. I also studied Honors at Gaibandha Govt. College in the Department of Chemistry.

My dream is to be a famous Writer. I write poems, story & sometimes dramas. I started writing in my childhood, and at that time my inspiration was my elder Brother & Sister.