•01 Birth and early years

1 Intro Lk 1:01-4
2 Jesus Divine Nature Jn 1:01-14
3 Jesus’ genealogies Mt 1:01-17 Lk 3:24-38
4 Announcement of the Baptist's birth Lk 1:05-25
5 Announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary Lk 1:26-38
6 Announcement of Jesus' birth to Joseph Mt 1:18-25a
7 Mary visits Elizabeth Lk 1:39-56
8 Birth of John the Baptist/Zechariah as priest Lk 1:57-80
9 The Birth of Jesus Lk 2:01-7
10 The Shepherd's Joy Lk 2:08-20
11 Jesus' circumcision Mt 1:25b Lk 2:21
12 Jesus' presentation at the Temple Lk 2:22-38
13 Wisemen from the East Mt 2:01-12
14 Escape to Egypt/Herod's fury Mt 2:13-18
15 Return to Nazareth Mt 2:19-23 Lk 2:39
16 Jesus in the temple at 12 Lk 2:40-51
17 Summary - Jesus Childhood Lk 2:52,(40)

•02 John's & beginning of Jesus' ministry

19 The Preaching of John Mt 3:01-12 Mk 1:01-8 Lk 3:01-18
20 The Baptism of Jesus Mt 3:13-17 Mk 1:09-11 Lk 3:21-23
21 The Temptation of Jesus Mt 4:01-11 Mk 1:12-13 Lk 4:01-13
22 John's testimony to Jesus Jn 1:15-34
24 *Andrew/Another Jn 1:35-40
25 *Simon Jn 1:41,42
26 *Philip/Nathaniel Jn 1:43-51
27 Marriage feast at Cana Jn 2:01-11
28 Short trip to Capernaum Jn 2:12
29 1st cleansing of the Temple (April, 27 A.D.) Jn 2:13-25
30 Jesus and Nicodemus Jn 3:01-21
31 Jesus disciples' and John baptizing Jn 3:22-24
32 John's further testimony of Jesus Jn 3:25-36
33 John placed in prison Mt 4:12 Mk 1:14b-15
34 Jesus leaves for Galilee Mt 4:13-15 Lk 3:19,20 Jn 4:01-3
35 Jesus and the Samaritan woman (Nov. of 27) Jn 4:05-42
36 Jesus arrives in Galilee Mt 4:17 Lk 4:14,15
37 and welcomed by the Galileans Jn 4:43-45
38 Jesus heals Nobleman's son, leaves Cana Jn 4:46-54
39 Jesus rejected 1st time at Nazareth Lk 4:16-30
40 Jesus' stays at Capernaum Lk 4:31a

•03 1st Tour and choice of the 12

42 Jesus' calls Peter, Andrew, James, & John Mt 4:18-22 Mk 1:16-20 Lk 5:01-11
43 Demoniac healed in Synagogue Mk 1:21-28 Lk 4:31b-37
44 Jesus' heals Peter's mother-in-law Mk 1:29-31 Lk 4:38,39
45 Others healed in the evening Mk 1:32-34 Lk 4:40-41
46 Jesus prays alone Mk 1:35-38 Lk 4:42-43
47 1st circuit around Galilee (preaching/healing) Mt 4:23-25 Mk 1:39 Lk 4:44
48 Jesus' heals a leper Mt 8:01b-4 Mk 1:40-45 Lk 5:12-16
49 Jesus heals a paralytic Mk 2:01-12 Lk 5:17-26
50 Jesus calls Matthew & eats at his home Mt 9:09-13 Mk 2:13-17 Lk 5:27-32
51 Conflict over fasting Mk 2:18-22 Lk 5:33-39
52 Trip to Jerusalem (2nd Passover April, 28 A.D.) Jn 5:01
53 Healing of the lame man at Bethesda pool Jn 5:02-47
54 Conflict over eating grain on the Sabbath Mt 12:01-8 Mk 2:23-28 Lk 6:01-5
55 Healing of the man with the shriveled hand Mt 12:09-14 Mk 3:01-6 Lk 6:06-11
56 Continuation of healing ministry Mt 12:15-21 Mk 3:07-12
57 Appointment of the 12 Mt 10:02-4 Mk 3:13-19 Lk 6:12-16

•04 Parables & denouncements begin

58 Sermon on the Mount / Plain Mt 5:01-Mt 8:1a Lk 6:17-49
59 Healing of the centurion’s Servant Mt 8:05-13 Lk 7:01-10
60 Widow's Son restored at Nain Lk 7:11-17
61 Messengers from John in prison Mt 11:02-6 Lk 7:18-23
62 Jesus praises John Mt 11:07-19 Lk 7:24-35
63 Woe to cities of Galilee Mt 11:20-24
64 The Call to rest in discipleship Mt 11:25-30
65 Sinful women forgiven Mt 7:36-50 Lk 7:36-50
66 2nd circuit around Galilee (preaching/healing) Lk 8:01-3
67 Jesus' relations seek to apprehend him Mk 3:20-21
68 Mute healed, Jesus accused of using Satan Mt 12:22-30 Mk 3:22-27 Lk 11:14-15,17-23
69 The sin against the Holy Spirit Mt 12:31-37 Mk 3:28-30 Lk 11:24-26
70 The People demand a sign Mt 12:38-45 Lk 11:16,29-32,27-28
71 Jesus mother and brothers Mt 12:46-50 Mk 3:31-35 Lk 8:19-21
72 Parable of the Sower Mt 13:01-19 Mk 4:01-9 Lk 8:04-8
73 The purpose of the parables Mt 13:10-17 Mk 4:10-12 Lk 8:09-10
74 Jesus' explanation of the sower parable Mt 13:18-23 Mk 4:13-20 Lk 8:11-15
75 Parable of the hidden lamp/measure Mk 4:21-25 Lk 8:16-18
76 Parable of the growing seed Mk 4:26-29
77 Parable of the wheat/tares Mt 13:24-30
78 Parable of the mustard seed Mt 13:31-32 Mk 4:30-32 Lk 13:18-19
79 Parable of the leaven Mt 13:33 Lk 13:20-21
80 Teaching by parables Mt 13:34-35 Mk 4:33-34
81 The wheat and tares explained Mt 13:36-43
82 Parable of Treasure in the field/Pearl Mt 13:44-46
83 Parable of the net in the sea Mt 13:47-50
84 Parable of New/Old treasures Mt 13:51-53

•05 Sending of the 12; Feeding of the 5,000

85 Jesus calms the storm Mt 8:18-27 Mk 4:35-41 Lk 8:22-25
86 Jesus' heals demoniac at Gesarenes Mt 8:28-34 Mk 5:01-20 Lk 8:26-39
87 Jesus returns to Galilee Mt 9:01 Mk 5:21 Lk 8:40
88 Jairus' pleads for His dying daughter Mk 5:22-34 Lk 8:41-42a
89 Jesus' heals the hemorrhaging woman Mt 9:20-22 Mk 5:25-34 Lk 8:42b-48
90 Jesus restores Jairus' daughter to life Mt 9:23-26 Mk 5:35-43 Lk 8:49-56
91 Jesus heals two blind men Mt 9:27-31
92 Jesus heals a mute demoniac Mt 9:32-34
93 2nd rejection at Nazareth Mt 13:53-58 Mk 6:01-6a
94 3rd circuit around Galilee preaching/healing Mt 9:35-38 Mk 6:06b
95 Jesus sends the 12 to preach/heal Mt 10:05-15 Mk 6:07-13 Lk 9:01-6
96 Jesus prepares disciples for persecution Mt 10:16-36,39-42
97 Herod's anxiety over Jesus Mt 14:01-2 Mk 6:14-16 Lk 9:07-9
98 The death of John the Baptist Mt 14:03-12 Mk 6:17-29
99 Approach of 3rd Passover (April 29 A.D.) Jn 6:04
100 The 12 return from preaching Mk 6:30-31 Lk 9:10a
101 Jesus retreats to the wilderness, feeds 5000 Mt 14:13-21 Mk 6:32-44 Lk 9:10b-17 Jn 6:01-13
102 Jesus withdraws from the crowd Mt 14:22-23 Mk 6:45-46 Jn 6:14-15
103 Jesus walks on water Mt 14:24-33 Mk 6:47-52 Jn 6:16-21
104 Healing on western shore of Gennesaret Mt 14:34-36 Jn 6:53-56
105 Discourse in Capernaum-Bread of Life Jn 6:22-65
106 Peter's loyalty to Jesus Jn 6:66-71

•06 Travels outside Galilee; Confession of Christ

107 Conflicts with the Pharisee's Mt 15:01-20 Mk 7:01-23
108 Jesus refusal to enter Judea Jn 7:01
110 Healing of Syprphoenician woman's daughter Mt 15:21-28 Mk 7:24-30
111 Jesus heals deaf/mute Mk 7:31-37
112 Jesus' many miracles Mt 15:29-31
113 Jesus feeds 4000 Mt 15:32-38 Mk 8:01-9
114 Across the sea to Dalmanutha/Magadala Mt 15:39 Mk 8:10
116 Pharisees and Saduccess ask for signs Mt 16:01-4 Mk 8:11-12
117 Warning against leaven/cross the waters Mt 16:05-12 Mk 8:13-21
118 Blind man healed at Bethsaida Mk 8:22-26
119 Jesus proclaimed Messiah @ Caesarea Ph. Mt 16:13-20 Mk 8:27-30 Lk 9:18-21
120 Jesus predicts death/res. Peter rebuked Mt 16:21-28 Mk 8:31-9:1 Lk 9:22-27
121 The transfiguration Mt 17:01-9 Mk 9:02-10 Lk 9:28-36a
122 Elijah explained Mt 17:10-13 Lk 9:36b-37a
123 Demoniac boy healed Mt 17:14-21 Mk 9:14-29 Lk 9:37b-42a
124 Jesus predicts death/resurrection again Mt 17:22-23 Mk 9:30-32 Lk 9:42b-45
125 Tribute money in a fish Mt 17:24-27
126 Greatness in the Kingdom is like a child Mt 18:01-5 Mk 9:33-37 Lk 9:46-48
127 Not to cause offense Mt 18:06-9 Mk 9:42-49
128 God's protection Mt 18:10-14
129 Jesus' tolerates others using his name Mk 9:38-41 Lk 9:49-50
130 Church discipline Mt 18:15-17
131 Binding and Loosing in the Kingdom Mt 18:18-20
132 Parable on forgiveness Mt 18:21-35
133 Salt in one's life Mk 9:50
135 Jesus journeys to Jerusalem Mt 19:01-2 Mk 10:01a Lk 9:51 Jn 7:02-10
136 Rejection by Samaritans Lk 9:52-56
137 The Cost of Discipleship Mt 8:19-22 Lk 9:57-62

•07 Later Judean ministry; Sending of the 72

138 Feast of Tabernacles (Oct. 29 A.D.) Jn 7:11-52
139 Woman caught in adultery Jn 7:53-8:11
140 Dispute with Pharisees Jn 8:12-59
141 Healing a man born blind Jn 9:01-41
142 Jesus the Good Shepherd Jn 10:01-21
143 Jesus sends out the 72 Lk 10:01-16
144 Return of the 72 Lk 10:17-24
145 Parable of the Good Samaritan Lk 10:25-37
146 In Bethany with Mary and Martha Lk 10:38-42
147 Lord's Prayer, Jesus on Prayer Mt 6:09-13 Mk 7:07-11 Lk 11:01-13

•08 Teachings on the road, from Luke

150 The Light of the Body Mt 5:15 Mk 6:22-23 Lk 11:33-36
151 Denouncing the Pharisees Mt 6:23 Lk 11:37-54
152 Discourses by Jesus Lk 12:01-59
153 The Galileans that died Lk 13:01-9
154 Woman healed on the Sabbath Lk 13:10-17
156 To Jerusalem and the narrow gate Lk 13:22-30
157 Jesus warned to leave, due to Herod Lk 13:31-33
158 Jesus "Oh" Jerusalem Mt 23:37-39 Lk 13:34-45
159 Jesus eats with Pharisees Lk 14:01-24
160 Taking up the cross Mt 10:37-38 Lk 14:25-35
161 Parables Lk 15:01-16:31
162 On forgiveness and service Lk 17:20,18:6-15,17:01-10
163 Ten lepers healed Lk 17:11-19
164 The Coming of the Kingdom Lk 17:20-37
165 Parables Lk 18:01-14

•09 Perean ministry & approach to Jerusalem

166 In Jer-The Feast of Dedication (Dec. 29 A.D.) Jn 10:22-39
167 Jesus travels beyond the Jordan Jn 10:40-42
168 On Divorce Mt 19:03-12 Mk 10:01-12
169 Jesus and the Children Mk 10:13-16 Lk 18:15-17
170 The rich young man Mt 19:16-26 Mk 10:17-27 Lk 18:18-27
171 Rewards for service Mt 19:27-30 Mk 10:28-31 Lk 18:28-30
172 Laborers in the vineyard Mt 20:01-16
173 Jesus goes to Bethany to raise Lazarus Jn 11:01-46
174 Jesus retreats to Ephraim Jn 11:47-54
175 Jesus predicts his death the 3rd time Mt 20:17-19 Mk 10:32-34 Lk 18:31-34
176 Selfish request of James and John Mt 20:20-28 Mk 10:35-45
177 The blind man healed at Jericho Mt 20:29-34 Mk 10:46-52 Lk 18:35-43
178 Zachaeus Lk 19:01-10
179 Parable of 10 minas Mt 25:14-30 Lk 19:11-27
180 Jesus anointed by Mary at Bethany Mt 26:06-13 Mk 14:03-9 Jn 11:55-12:11

•10 Passion week

183 The Triumphal Entry Mt 21:01-11 Mk 11:01-11 Lk 19:28-44 Jn 12:12-19
185 The Barren fig tree is cursed Mk 11:12-14
186 2nd cleansing of the Temple Mt 21:12-17 Mk 11:15-18 Lk 19:45-48
188 The fig tree explained Mt 21:18-22 Mk 11:19-25
189 Conflict in the Temple Mt 21:23-27 Mk 11:27-33 Lk 20:01-8
190 Parable of the two sons Mt 21:28-32
191 Parable of the vineyard Mt 21:33-45 Mk 12:01-12 Lk 20:09-19
192 Parable of the marriage feast Mt 22:01-14
193 Paying tribute to Caesar Mt 22:15-22 Mk 12:13-17 Lk 20:20-26
194 The Resurrection Mt 22:23-33 Mk 12:18-27 Lk 20:27-40
195 The Great Command Mt 22:34-40 Lk 12:28-34
196 David's Son and Lord Mt 22:41-46 Mk 12:35-37 Lk 20:41-44
197 Jesus denounces the Pharisees Mt 23:01-39 Mk 12:38-40 Lk 20:45-47
198 The widow's gift Mk 12:41-44 Lk 21:01-4
199 Christ's second coming Mt 24:01-51 Mk 13:01-37 Lk 21:05-38
200 Parable of the 10 virgins Mt 25:01-13
201 Parable of the talents Mt 25:14-30
202 Sheep and the Goats Mt 25:31-46
203 Greeks visit Jesus Jn 12:20-36
204 Reflections on John and Jesus Jn 12:37-50

•11 Last Supper

205 Jesus predicts His death again Mt 26:01-15 Mk 14:01-2 Lk 22:01-2
206 Judas betrays Jesus Mt 26:14-16 Mk 14:10-11 Lk 22:03-6
208 Preparations for Passover meal Mt 26:17-19 Mk 14:12-16 Lk 22:07-16
209 Jesus rebukes the disciples at the meal Mt 26:20 Mk 14:17 Lk 22:24-30
210 Jesus washes the disciples’ feet Jn 13:01-20
211 Jesus names Judas as His betrayer Mt 26:21-25 Mk 14:18-21 Lk 22:21-23 Jn 13:21-30
212 The New Commandment Jn 13:31-35
213 Jesus predicts Peter's denial Mt 26:31-35 Mk 14:27-31 Lk 22:31-34 Jn 13:36-38
214 Instruction for the moment at hand Lk 22:35-38
215 Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper Mt 26:26-29 Mk 14:22-25 Lk 22:17-20
217 The Way; The Comforter Jn 14:01-31
218 The Vine and Service Jn 15:01-27
219 The Spirit's Presence Jn 16:01-33
220 Jesus' Intercessory Prayer Mt 26:30 Mk 14:26 Jn 17:01-25
221 Jesus' Prayer at Gathsemene Mt 26:36-46 Mk 14:32-42 Lk 22:39-46 Jn 18:01
224 Betrayal and Arrest (around midnight?) Mt 26:47-56 Mk 14:43-52 Lk 22:47-53 Jn 18:02-11
226 Trial before Annas Jn 18:12-14,19-23
227 Trial before Caiphas Mt 26:57,59-68 Mk 14:53,55-65 Lk 22:54a,63-65 Jn 18:24
229 Peter by the Fire Mt 26:58 Mk 14:54 Lk 22:54b-56a Jn 18:15-16
230 Peter's Denial of Jesus (4 a.m.) Mt 26:69-75 Mk 14:54,66-72 Lk 22:56b-62 Jn 18:17-18,25-27

•12 Condemnation, Crucifiction, Burial

231 Trial by the whole Sanhedrin Mt 27:01-2 Mk 15:01a Lk 22:66-71
232 The death of Judas Mt 27:03-10
234 Jesus' 1st Appearance before Pilate Mt 27:02,11-14 Mk 15:01b-5 Lk 23:01-5 Jn 18:28-40
235 Jesus sent to Herod Antipas Lk 23:06-12
236 Pilate finds no basis Lk 23:13-16
238 Jesus' 2nd trial before Pilate Mt 27:15-21 Mk 15:06-11 Lk 23:18-19
239 Jesus' crowned with thorns Jn 19:01-5
240 Pilate's decision to crucify Jesus Mt 27:22-26 Mk 15:12-15 Lk 23:20-25 Jn 19:06-16a
241 Soldier's mock Jesus Mt 27:27-30 Mk 15:16-19 Jn 19:16b-17a
243 Jesus led to the cross Mt 27:31-34 Mk 15:20-23 Lk 23:26-33a Jn 19:17b
244 Jesus' first 3 hours on the cross Mt 27:35-44 Mk 15:24-32 Lk 23:33b-43 Jn 19:18-27
245 Jesus last 3 hours on the cross Mt 27:45-50 Mk 15:33-37 Lk 23:44-45a,46 Jn 19:28-30
246 Events accompanying Jesus' death Mt 27:51-56 Mk 15:38-41 Lk 23:45b,47-49
247 Jesus' side is pierced Jn 19:31-37
249 Jesus' body is buried by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus Mt 27:57-60 Mk 15:42-46 Lk 23:50-54 Jn 19:38-42
250 The women watch at the tomb Mt 27:61 Mk 15:47 Lk 23:55-56
252 Tomb is secured by the Roman guard Mt 27:62-66

•13 Resurrection, Appearances, Ascension

255 Women visit the tomb Mt 28:01 Mk 16:01
256 The Stone is rolled away Mt 28:02-4
257 Women find the tomb empty Mt 28:05-8 Mk 16:02-8 Lk 24:01-8 Jn 20:01
258 Peter and John run to the tomb Mt 24:09-12 Mk 16:09-11 Lk 24:09-12 Jn 20:02-10
260 Appearance to Mary Magdalene Jn 20:11-18
261 Appearances to other women Mt 28:09-10
262 The Report of the Guards to the Rulers Mt 28:11-15
264 To the two on the Emmaus' Road Mk 16:12 Lk 24:13-32
265 Report of the two/Appearance to Peter Mk 16:13 Lk 24:33-35
266 To the Disciples in the Room Mk 16:14 Lk 24:36-43 Jn 20:19-25
268 Appearance to the 11 including Thomas Jn 20:26-31
270 To the 7 at the Sea of Galilee Jn 21:01-25
271 To 500 at Once (1Cor 15:6)
272 To the 11 in Galilee Mt 28:16-20 Mk 16:15-18
273 To James, Jesus' brother (1Cor 15:7)
274 Appearance to the Disciples in Jerusalem Lk 24:44-49 (Ac 1:3-8)
275 The Ascension of Jesus Mk 16:19-20 Lk 24:50-53 (Ac 1:9-12)