This page is depreciated, go to the quoster wiki for the most up to date
quoster .plan

current: v1.2.2[1]


  • [x]counter
  • [x]meta data
  • [x]specific email account
  • [x]top 150 -> top 100
  • [x]mess with bottom bar
    • [x]move rash ver down
    • [x]approved/pending display
      • [x]write funcs for a/p thing
  • [x]write faq
  • [x]apply bug fixes
    • [x]news deleting
    • [?]cookie probs - no published fix, and honestly i dont even think its a real bug. if we get complaints it will be a diff matter.
    • [x]multi voting
      • changed time between votes to 5000 secs (83.3333... minutes)
        • all done. I cant believe php allows variable setting within the parameters. It's ludacris. Like c for christ sake.
    • [x]char fix - victory! wrote my very own bug fix. im so proud.
  • [x]change func display titles
  • [x]write intro page
  • [x]stretch top image
  • [x]change a number of messages - this will be ongoing methinks major ones are done tho.
  • [x]problems with IE
  • [D]resolve hosting problems
  • [D]go live
    • [D]change admin pass
    • [p]mod accounts (two mods currently.. more in the future)
    • [p]make source/license availible - this is part of GNU conditions
      • [p]readme to go in rar of source
      • on this same note, i've added copyright notices to all the code, so our modifications are there and acknowledged when we post it.
    • [D]dns redirect service/domain registration
    • [D]ftp access

weeee! all done!

New convention for this page: A to do list and a listing of each version with changes made in it, as it is released

numbering: A.B.C.D A-Major B-signifigant C-fixes D-tweaks

v1.0.1 changes

  • [p]make action pages not dead ends ie: after upgrading a quote, having link back to page you were on.
    • easy javascript fix for this
  • [p]display pending/rejected for quotes
  • [p]allow html in news posts

v1.1.1 changes

  • [p]complete rewrite of the way the db works
    • one table for pending and approved quotes
    • still need to update change log + source[done]

v1.1.2 changes


Trivial fixes

  • [p]more pending stuff
    • [p]tell users quote id when they submit it
  • [p]fix html in news editing

v1.2.2 changes

  • added news archive
  • fix for id# with admin add
      • [p]BUG: incorrect id# displayed when quote is added by admin
  • changed ?qotw function to ?faq

Wish/todo list

  • []paypal donate
    • []need to setup paypal account for this?
  • []google ads
    • []google search goes with this
  • []background image <-needed?
  • []test alternative browsers, possibly write new code for them
    • []special pages for IE
  • []make a favicon ^___^
  • []move nav bar to side?
  • []log ins
    • we can use OpenID for this?
    • []multi user levels
    • []user pages
    • []icons
  • []diffrent usages of the fields
    • "submitter" field
  • []design changes - need to think about how to make the site nice
    • []log in dialog on side
  • []comments on news posts
  • []host our own wiki
    • []to do list, change log (this page)
    • []user suugestion page
    • []bug list (locked)
    • []create appropriate image for this
    • []modify colors to match our own
  • []image map main bar
  • []BUG: deletion/adding problems if quote is a dupe
  • []diffrent javascript backs