My background is that I was the person who designed the UK's policy response to the 2008 financial crash, I invented the brands Bitcoin, (and the concept of Blockchain) and YouTube. I'm also responsible for the creation of the Barbie Movie, Top Gun Maverick, La La Land, the John Wick and Frozen Franchises, Idiocracy, Jack Reacher and Game of Thrones. Amongst others. I've also written songs performed by major artists. I helped create Welbeck Group through which we helped 96 projects raise capital as well as becoming the largest franchise by production in Zurich's UK financial advice network.

I'm a staunch atheist and my belief is that schools are for education not religious indoctrination. I have also just reported the Jehovah's Witnesses to the UK home Secretary for violating the genocide provisions of the UK Convention on Human Rights. The reform of Pentonville prison to reward prisoners for getting off drugs was my idea as was the Tour de Yorkshire cycling event.