CONTROL AND COORDINATION A system of control and coordination is essential in living organisms sothat the different body parts can function as asingle unit to maintain homeostasis as well as respond to various stimuli.(

Human homeostasis

refers to the body's ability to regulate physiologically its inner environment to ensure its stability inresponse to fluctuations in the outside environment and the weather. Homeo=same and stasis=standing still)

To carry out a simple function such as picking up an object from the ground there has to be coordination of the eyes,hands, legs and the vertebral column. The eyes have to focus on the object, the hands have to pick it up and grasp it, thelegs have to bend and so does the back bone (vertebral column). All these actions have to be coordinated in such amanner that they follow a particular sequence and the action is completed. A similar mechanism is also needed forinternal functions of the body.In animals, the nervous system, hormonal system and muscular system are responsible for control and coordination