Given that technology is easily accessible to all, it is easier for one to use social media to interact and share thoughts with others. Furthermore, social media is a forum where individuals can express themselves whether it is negative or positive comments. According the Journals of Adolescent Health, victims of cyber bullying tend to often get attacked by “anonymous aggressors, who can rapidly disseminate photos, videos, rumors, etc. throughout the web, reaching a much wider audience than happens with traditional bullying.” (2013, p.2)<https:// /> However, what others lack to understand is that the Internet happens to be a forum where privacy does not exist, once it is out there, there are no turning backs. Which then results for the victim to being incapable of escaping the bullying. This leads to the consequences of the harmful impacts that cyber bullying can inflict on the victims and can last a lifetime to recover from this vicious act. According to Giumetti, Kowalski and associates, “most common warning signs of cyber bullying includes: depression, anxiety, social isolation, nervousness, low self-esteem, deficits in school performance and impaired health.” (2014) <>Low self-esteem has been proven to be one of the most common and long term effect of cyber bullying. Given that cyber bullying occurs online and not on face to face, it is easier for one to mock, harass another individual and to be encourage by other peers to continue harming another. Mainly because one believes since it is on social media, it is unlikely to be tracked down or even get in trouble to behave in a certain manner. Although some can find it amusing to see certain comments that are being told by others, this promotes more perpetration of more bullying. Hence, the impacts of negative comments play a significant role on one’s view of themselves. As the concept of the looking glass self, individuals tend to see themselves through the perception of others and if one encounters negative comments from others about oneself then this can result to serious damage. This could lead for one to feel a lack of belongingness and experience social exclusions from others. Low self-esteem can make one doubt their abilities to talk to others and even resulting to exclude themselves from others resulting to accept anti-social behaviours. Low self-esteem also goes along with the aspect of anxiety because of the preoccupation with possible outcomes that can or cannot occur while socializing with others. Another pertinent component to consequences of cyberbullying would be that of depression. It could also affect relationships and social skills that one could have with another. Mental health has been underestimated for several years, however; as of the 21st century, depression has been more carefully observed. Additionally, it is been stated that depression is pertinent aspect in terms to cyber bullying. This aspect affects the socialization of one’s social development within society. Cyberbullying often occurs throughout the years of adolescence which has been proven to be a very crucial time in one’s life because that is when one mostly forms their self-identity. It is addressed by the Journal of Adolescent Health that adolescents that experience cyberbullying happen to be more prone to develop depressive symptoms and problematic internet use. In addition, the Journal also mentioned the rates of depression has increased significantly. For instance, between the ages of fifteen and eighteen years, the symptoms of depression has increased from three percent to eighteen percent. Furthermore, acknowledging that depression is a severe case where it affect the state of mind of an individual, the usage of drug, alcohol or self-medication comes into play. It is mostly use to get rid of the inflicted pain by the aggressor. Over time, there has been a dramatic increase of seventy percent of teens of the age of fifteen using illicit substances. The usage of abuse of illicit substance is mainly perceived as a negative and less healthy alternative way to cope with the negative effects with negative effects from the bullying which can ultimately lead to suicidal thoughts and behavior. Since there is violence involved, even resulting to violence towards others can occur. Meaning being involved with violence can result to on an ongoing violent cycle in which ultimately can become a much more dangerous predicament than if it was. That is why individuals should be aware of the power of words and the significance that can inflict on others. Essentially, although all forms of bullying is negative and are harmful aspects that certain people experience in their lives, verbal bullying can be amongst the most powerful form of bullying due to how sensitive of how our state of minds are. If one tends to think of positive outcomes then chances are positive outcomes will come and vice versa. That is why cyber bullying and its impacts on others should be carefully revised and touched upon as much possible since it occurs in a much wider audience.