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Paul Weller Cartoonist


Brought up during the comic book boom of the 60's only to be sucked into the new wave punk era of the late 70's, it's only natural that I would class myself as a part time musical cartoonist. My favourite music usually comes from the Paul Weller stable, but I have been known to listen to other good stuff too. I enjoy songwriting and playing live when I get the time, but as it doesn't / hasn't provided me with the much sought after adoration that I so clearly deserve, I have sort of parked it on the back-burner. My ambition, however trite it might sound, would be to write a song that the Modfather might record? Seeing that Mr Weller is such a prolific songwriter, however, I think I'm more likely to win the National Lottery than realise such a futile dream.. and I don't actually buy lottery tickets? That's about me. Oh.. almost forgot.. I also have a website dedicated to Paul Weller, which is a bit of a plaything at the moment.