The MIR Space Station crashes on top of Kenny, the day before Halloween. A fluke accident involving Worcestershire sauce at the morgue turns Kenny into a zombie causing most of the town to eventually turn into zombies as well. The rest of the boys are too busy preparing for Halloween and the big costume contest to realize that Kenny is a zombie, but end up saving the day anyway.

     The MIR Space Station crashes onto Kenny at the bus stop on October 30, killing him. He is then taken to the morgue where he is drained and filled with embalming fluid. However, Worcestershire sauce falls into the embalming fluid and turns Kenny into a zombie.
     The next morning, Kenny shows up at the bus stop while the boys are waiting to go to school. Each boy is dressed up for the costume contest as school (for which the top prize is two tons of candy). Stan is dressed up as Raggedy Andy (Wendy was suppose to dress up as Raggedy Anne, but bailed and dressed up as Chewbacca instead). Kyle has on a Chewbacca costume and Eric is dressed in a Hitler costume his mom made him.

Meanwhile at the local doctor’s office, the morgue workers have apparently turned into zombies, however the doctor diagnosis’s is pinkeye. The kids arrive at school only to discover everyone in the class including Mr. Hat has dressed up as Chewbacca (minus Mr. Garrison who is dressed as Marilyn Monroe). Meanwhile at the Cartman home, Eric’s mom decorates the house and yard for Halloween oblivious to the zombies attacking people on the street. Back at school Kyle, disgruntled that he has the same costume as everyone else decides to work a new costume for the contest while Principal Victoria and Chef are upset over Cartman’s Hitler costume. Principal Victoria makes Eric a ghost costume to amend the problem (however, it ends up looking like a KKK outfit instead). Kyle arrives at the costume contest with a new costume (a working model of the solar system), but Wendy’s Chewbacca costumes earns her first place and the two tons of candy which she gives away to starving children in Nairobi.

    Across South Park the zombies continue to attack although everyone still believes it is simply pinkeye.

As night falls on South Park the boys prepare to go trick-or-treating just as Chef realizes that the pinkeye epidemic is actually a wave of the living dead. Chef goes to the doctor to try to explain what’s going one, however he doesn’t believe Chef. So, Chef heads to the mayor’s office to warn her and Officer Barbrady (who are up to something kinky). They of course, are too stupid to believe Chef as well.

   As the zombies continue to ravage the town, the boys unaware of zombies head off to go trick-or-treating. Except Kenny keeps eating everyone right before they give the boys candy, so they aren’t getting any candy. Eventually the boys ditch Kenny and head to Chef’s house. Chef pulls the boys inside and after some discussion head to the morgue to get to the bottom of the zombie matter.
   While at the morgue they discover the Worcestershire sauce issue. The zombies eventually attack the morgue turning Chef into a zombie (who then goes into “Thriller” mode). The boys call the hotline number on the bottle of Worcestershire sauce for assistance. The hotline person tells them that they have to kill the original zombie, which of course is, Kenny. So, Kyle kills Kenny and everything goes back to normal.

Cartman “Kenny’s family is so poor, that yesterday they had to put their cardboard box up for a second mortgage.”

Kyle “Well, at least my mom isn’t on the cover of ‘Crack Whore’ magazine.”

Mr. Garrison “That’s right Beebe, use those mouth muscles like the girls in Beijing.”

Cartman “Too bad drinking scotch isn’t a paying job, otherwise Kenny’s dad would be a millionaire.” Kyle “Oh my God, I killed Kenny! You bastard!”